Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/438

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of the years.


legislature for some He was president of the convention which framed the constitution of Maine; and was its first govi-rnor in 182()-21. In 1819-21 he was United States senator. He was I'niled States commissioner for the adjustment of Spanish claims in 1821-24; and was general of militia and collector of customs at Hath in 18;U-34. He die<l .lune 17, 18r>2, in Bath. .Maine.

King, William, soldier, was born in Maryland. In 1808 he was appointed a lieutenant of infantrj'; in 18l:{ he was ap[>ointed udjutnnt-j^cneral with tl-e rank of colonel; and in 1818 was military ami civil governor (»f IVnHaeola, Fla. He died Jan. 1, 1820, in Mobil.-,


King, William A., educator, statesman, was burn in 1S.'»(» in Mercer county, Mo. lie



rducaI'Ml in the public schools of and until 1883 was engaged in

rilucational «-ug!(ged


Since 1888 he has been


the wholesale fruit

and produce

in Trinidad, Col. He is grand «oiincilb)r of tlif grand lodge of Colorado


of the united commercial travelers; and in 1904-06 was a representative in the Colorado state legislature.

King, iiuin,




Benjamin Basils clergywas Ixirn Feb. 2(J, 1859,

He is an episTriiwe Edward Islands. copal clergj'man of Cambridge, .Mass. Ho is till- author of The Daily Song: Thoughts on the Onices for Morning and Kvening f'rayer; (Jriselda; and the (Jiant's Strength. King, William Fletcher, third president of Cornell college, was born Dec. 20, 1830, near 18.")7 he graduated Z.-inesville, Ohio. In in

from the

B^^^^ma^ti ^'


teacher in that institution. In 18U2 he was elected to the

and in

torial legislature;

Latin languages Cornell (^dh-gc of

Mount Vernon, Iowa, which position he held until llie death of Presideiil Fellows in 1803. He then took charge of the college as acting pn-sidc'iit. an<l was formally elected president in 18(»."». He still holds that ofHee, making him not only the senior college president of Iowa, but as far as known, the oldest in continued presidency in the same institution in AmerFor a third of a century he has been ica. lalioring to enlargo the -scope and usefulness of Cornell college, and to advance the interests of its students. Hr has traveled extensively in .America and Europe, and is a man of atfairs as wril as of scholarship, lie was !i member of the national commission of (he '(»rld*s Coltindiiaii exposition; has been five times elected to the general


was selected as president of the council of the upper house. He was county attorney of Utah county for four years; was city attorney of Provo City for a number of years; and in 1894 was appointed associate justice of the supreme court of I'tah. In 1897-99 he was a representative from Utah to the lifty-fifth congress as a democrat. vice-president of King, William Rufus, congressman, States, lawyer, the I nited diplomat, was born April 7, 1786, in SampIn son county< N.C. graduated 1803 he from the university North Carolina; of in 1806 began the law at practice of


Clititon, N.C. In 1808-

09 he was a member of the state house of commons. In 1811/17 he was a representa-


of the Ohio Wesk'van university for five years and was emplove«l as a



conference of the mcthodist episcopal church. Ho is a vigorous speaker and a graceful writer; and his published papers and addresses have been well received. King, William Henry, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born in June, 1863, in Fillmore City, Utah. He woa elected a member of the Utah legislature in 1885; and re-elected two years In 1891 he was later. elected to the terri-

tive from North Carolina tok the twelfth, thirteenth aijd fourteenth congresses. In 1817-18 he was secretary of legation at St. Petersburg. On his r»'turn to the I'nited States he located at Cahaba, Ala., and became a planter. In 1819-44 an«l 1846-"»3 he was a member of the United States senate from Alabama. In 1844-46 was United States minister to France, In 18r)2-r».3 he was vice-president of the United States. He took the oath of oflice at Havana, Chiba, where he had gone for his health, lie died April 18, 1853, at Cahaba, Ala. ^

Kihg, William Rufus, civil engineer, auwas born in 1839 in New York. He an engineering officer in the United States arjny. He is the author of Torpedoes, their Invention and Use; and Mate* rials for Defensive Armor. thor, is

journalist, congressKing, William S., man, was born Dec. 16, 1828, in Malone, X.Y. In 1858 he removed to Minneapolis, Minn., and establisheft the State Atlas. He was postmaster of the national house of n-pres«'ntative8.




In 1875-77 he was a repreMinnesota to the forty-

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