Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/439

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fourth congress as a republican. He died Feb. 24, 1900, in Minneapolis, Minn. King, William Sterling, soldier, lawyer, state legislator, was born Oct. 6, 1818, in New York City. In 1855 he was elected a member of the Massachusetts state legisAt the biginning of the civU war lature. he was commissioned captain in the thirtyfifth Massachusetts regiment; and in 1865 was made brigadier-general of volunteers. In 1875-70 he was again elected a member He died of the Massachusetts legislature.


29, 1882, in Roxbury, Mass. King, Willis Percival, e»lucator, physician, author, was born 13ec. 21. 1839, in Macon county. Mo. He became a teacher at the age <»f seventeen years; and for five years practiced medicine in St. Louis. He has lectured in medical schools of Kansas City; and at the university of Missouri. He is president of the Missouri state medical asHe is the author of Stories of sociation. the County Doctor; Perjury for Pay. lawyer, statesman, King, Yelverton P., was born in 1794 in (Jreene county, Ga. In 1830 ho was made state superintendent of public lands; was frequently elected to the

(Georgia legislature; and was a presidential elector in 1840. He died Aug. 5, 1868, in

Greene county. Ga. Kingman, Eben, business man, genealogist, was born Nov. 16, 1820, in Waltham, Maine. He was educated in the public schools of New EngHe has been a land. successful farmer and lumberman and has




Maine. has contributed extensively to historoffices in Otis.


and genealogical publications. He is the author The of (Jenealogy of the ical

Kingman Family; and




Kingman, Lewis, civil engineer, railroad biiiitlcr. was born Feb. 26. 1845, in Bridgewater. Mass. In 1862 he commenced enwork in gineering In Mass. Boston, 1864 bi'camc engaged railway and coalmining and other enin


enterprises I'cnnsvlvania. In ill 1808-71 he was division enginwr on the and Pacific Atlantic railway of Missouri; 1871-72 enand in gaged in locating a


line from Kit Carson, Cimarron, N.M. In 1873-70 he was I'nited States surthe uiuler contractor a veyor-general of New Mexico; and in 1877-

Col., to

80 was locating engineer of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad. In 1881 he was locating engineer of the Atlantic and Pacific railway; and in 1882-83 was chief engineer of that railroad. In 1883-84 he was chief engineer of the Mexican Central railway, northern division; and in 1884-88 was assistant chief engineer of the AtchiIn son. Topeka and Santa Fe railway. 1889-94 he was city engineer of Topeka. Kan. In 1905-09 lie was chief engineer of and since the Mexican Central railway 1909 has been assistant chief engineer of the merged lines of the Mexican National railways. He Kingman, John W., lawyer, jurist. was judge of one of the United States territorial courts sometime before 1884.

Kingsbury, Benjamin Freeman, educator, was born Nov. 12, 1872, in St.


Since 1902 he has been asCharles. Mo. sistant pn>fessor of physioh>gy at Cornell He is the auuniversity of Ithaca, N.Y*. thor of Elaboratory Directions in Pharmacology and Physiology.

Kingsbury, Charles People, soldier, auwas Iwrn in 1818 in New York City. He a United States army oflicer. was the author of Elementary Treatise on thor,

He was

Artillery and Infantry.


died in 1897.

Kingsbury, Cyrus, missionary, was born Nov. 22. 1786, in Alstead, N.H. After traveling four humlred miles through the wilderness, he established the first mission station







died June 27. 1870, in Indian Territory. Kingsbury, Frederick John, lawyer, banker, legislator, bibliographer, was born .Ian. In 1849 .53 he 1. 1823. in Witerbury. Conn. 18.'»0 has been practiced law; and since identified with the banking business. He is president of the Citizen's national bank; and a vice-president of the Scoville manufacturing company. In 18.'>o, 18.58 and 18G5 he was a representative in the Connecticut state legislature.

Kingsbury, Henry Denison, soldier, was born in Ohio. In I86I he was captain in the fourteenth regiment Ohio infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He was honorably mustered out in 186.5. Kingsbury, Jacob, .sohlier. was born in He entered the in N«»rwich. Conn.


army as a private in 1775; served in Wayne's Indian campaign; and was appointed lieutenant of infantry in He rose by regular promotion to the 1789. rank of inspector-general. Ue died July 1, 18.37. in Franklin, Mo.


Kingsbury, Joseph Thomas, etlucator, colpresident, was born Nov. 4. 1853, in He has filled the chair T. Utah. of dieiiiistry and physics in the university of Utah for nmny years pa«t; has been lege

North WelM

vice-president of that institution; 1897 has be<-n its president.

