Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/440

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HKRRINCJSIIAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN UIOORAI'IIY. Kingsbury, William W., 8tat»» legislator, i'<»ngri'>Muaii. watt horn June 4, 1S28, in Townnda, i'a. in 18oo-o6 he wan a member the MinneH«»ta legislature. In 1S.>7 he to the eonvention for framing a eon»titution for MinneKota; and in IA.')7-r»!l he wan a territorial delegate to the thirty-fifth eongrest*. He died in Minnesota. Kingsford, Thomas, inventor, was born He was Sept. 2!l. 17!>1>. in Kent, Kngland. the inventor of the manufacture of corn starcli, founder of the of

was delegate




tory, and originator of one of America's great industries. He was the tirst man to stiggest the manufacture of starch from Indian corn. The first lot «»f c<»rn starch ever prepareil for the general market was




Kingsford in 1842. He Oswego. .Y. His son. Thomson Kingsford, then became president of the




Kingsford, Thomson, manufacturer, was born April 4. I82S, in Kngland. All the machinery of the factory of T. Kingsford and Son, at Hergen,

author, was bishop, Kingsley, Calvin, born in ISI2 in -Annsville, N.Y. He was a methodist bishop; and in 18oG-tl2 was editor of the Western Christian .Advocate, at Cincinnati. He was the author of The ResRound the IX>ad; and urn-«tion of the World. He died April i. iKTd, in Syria. Kingsley, Chester Ward, merchant, bankwas born philanthropist, legislator, »r. .luiu- !>, IS24, in Brighton, now a part of In 1S.")(5-(m he was in the Boston. .Mass. mercantile business; and since 186.1 has In 1879-87 been engaged in coal mining. he was iirettident of the bank of Brighton, Mass. In 1882-84 he was a representative (he Massachusetts state legislature; and I8S8-8J» was a nuMuber of the state senHe has aided Worcester academy and its Kingsley laboratories were named for him. Kingsley, Elbridge, painter, engraver, was born Sept. 17, IH42. in Carthage, Ohio. He conimenciMl engraving alnuit 1878; and in ISHU started an art school with original in



work. litteraKingsley, Mrs. Florence Morse, teur, author, was born .Inly 14, 18.)0, near Medina, Ohio. She was educated at Wellesley

during mainder of







he aided ac-

tively in the management of the starch industry, nu)st of the

nu'chanical improven t 8 originating wit!) him. It was in-

ni e

corporated in 1848, is nov* known as the Oswego Starch Factory, of which he is president; and the company have depots in New York. Chicago,


San Francisco. Philadelphia, Ix>ndon and Kdinburgh. He died in 1!>00 in C>swego. X.Y. Kingsland, Mrs. Burton, litterateur, author, was born in New York. She is the author of The Hook of (Jood Manners; The Book of Weddings: The Book of In-door and Out -door (Jaines. Kingsland, Lawrence Douglas, sohlier, manufacturer, founder, was born Sept. 15, 1841. in St. Louis, .Mo. He served throughout the civil war in the confe«lerate army; an<l participated in many important engagements. He stands as a leader among the manufacturers of the United States. He foundetl the St. Louis Spanish club; and was ils president in lS8«-f>l. Kingsley, Mrs. Adelaide D., author, poet, was iMjrn in IS4;5 in (uiada. She is a writer of Blue Earth Citv, Minn.; and the St. I^uis,




1882 married Charles R. Kingsley of West New Brighton. N.Y. She is the author of Titus, a Comrade of the Cross; ."Stephen, a Soldier of the Cross; Paul; Prisoners of the Siege; The Cross

N.J., was designed, made and set up by Thomson Kingsford,



author of a story entitled Heart or Purse; and a vohnne of poems.



Transfiguration of Philura; The Needle's Kve; Winds and Fetters; Kindly Light; The Singular MisH Smith; Tor, a Street- Boy of .Jerusalem; An I'nn-corded Miracle; Resurrection of Miss Cynthia; The Intellectual Miss Lamb: Truthful Jane; The Princess and the Ploughman; Bolen in Gilead; and


Those Queer Browns. Kingsley, James Luce, educator, author,

was born

.Aug. 28. 1778, in Windham, Conn. In 1805-51 he was a professor of Latin in Yale. He was the author of a History of ^ale College; and several biographical and

works. He died Haven. Conn.


.Aug. 31, 1852, in

Kingsley, John Sterling, zoologist, author, was born .April 7, 1S.")4, in Cincinnatus, N.Y. Since 18!»2 he has In-en professor of biology at Tufts college of Massachusetts. He is the author of Klements of Comparative Zo(dogy; and Text Book of Vertebrate. Kingsley, Norman William, dentist, sculptor, author, was born Oct. 26, 1829, in St. Lav.rence county, N.Y. In 1850 he began dental practice. He executed a marble bust