Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/441

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of Christ; and a portrait bust in bronze of Wliitelaw Keid. He is the author of Treaties on Oral Deformities. Kingsley, W. J. P., physician, surgeon, banker, was born in 1824 in Utica, N.Y, He is a noted physician and surgeon of Rome, N.Y. and is widely known as a specialist in the treatment of malignant growths. He has been president of the Farmers' National bank; president of the Central New York Institute for Deaf Mutes; president of the Rome Cemetery association; and vice-president of the Rome Brass and Copper company; and mayor of his city. Kingsley, William Charles, i*ontractor, was

Kinkead, Miss Elizabeth Shelby, educator. was born in Fayette counKy.; and is the daughter of Judge W. B. Kinkead. She was educated at the state

lecturer, author, ty,

college of Kentucky. In 1898-09 she was *a h'cturer at the Ken-

tucky and



1900 at Chau-

New York

tauqua, N.Y. Since 1003 she has been a lecturer on English literature at the state college of Kentucky at Lexington. She is the -J ^ author of The History of Kentucky; an<l other works. Kinkead, Eugene P., congressman, wan born .March 27, 1876. In 1808 he was elected alderman of .Jersey City, N..T.; and serv-

1867, with a



was a representative from New Jersey to the sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third





Franklin county. N.Y.

became convinced as early as



of the

feasibility of a bridge that should connect Brooklyn with New York, and lalnired to interest wealthy men in his project. The

bridge company was organized in nonnnal capital of $,'>,(MM»,(M)0. 1882 he became president of the board, and saw the bridge completed in 188.3. He died Feb. 21. ISS"), in Brooklyn, N.Y. Kinkaid, Charles Euston, journalist, lawyer, jurist,




18. ISiyfy, in


In 1880 he was elected judge with jurisdiction of the city of Lawrenceburg. Ky., and Anderson county. He was a member of the first state railroad commission of Kentucky. He was consular agent of the United States in St. Helen's district at Lancasliire, England; and in 1893-05 was For in the internal revenue department. many years he has been engaged in journalism; and since 180.'> has been on the regular staff of the Cincinnati Enquirer. Kinkaid, Mrs. Mary Holland, journalist, author, was born Dec. 31, 1861, in Wilkes Barre, Pa. Since 1886, she has been engaged in journalistic work; and since 1003 has been .Sxinday editor of the Los Angeles Herald. She is the author of Walda. Kinkaid, Moses P., lawyer, jurist, state senator, congressman, was born in Monongalia county. W. Va. He graduated from the law school of the university of Michigan; and is a practicing attorney of Nebraska. In 1883 he was a member of the Nebraska state senate; and was chairman of the committee on judiciary. For three terms he was district judge of Nebraska. In 1003- 1.") he was a representative from Nebraska to the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, ville,







ty-third congresses as a republican.

Kinkead, Edgar B., lawyer, author, was born Marcli 14. 1862. in Beverly, Ohio. Since 180.'> he has been professor of law at the college of law in the Ohio state university. He is the author of Self- Preparation Code Pleading; Kinkead's C<tmmon Law; and Probate Law and Practice. Kinkead, Eleanor Talbot, litterateur, author, was born in K«-rituoky. She is the author of Yiainst Wind and Tide; Yoting Greer of Kentucky; and Florida Alexander.


as president of the board.

In 1009-15 he

congresses as a <iemocrat.

Kinkhead, John Henry, merchant, miner, founder, governor, was born Dec. 10, 1826, in Smithfield, Pa. In 1849 he crossed the plains to Salt Lake City; and in 1849-60 was engaged in mercantile business and stock raising in Utah and California. In 1862-65 he was treasurer of Nevada; was the founder of Washoe City; and was governor of Nevada in 1879-8.3. In 1884-85 he was the first territorial governor of Alaska. He died in 1004 in Alaska. Kinley, David, educator, author, was born Aug. 2, 1861, in Scotland. Since 1804 he has lM*en professor of economics and dean at the university of Illinois. He is the author of The Independent Treasury of the United States, and Money. Kinloch, Cleland, planter, state legislator, inventor, was born in 1750, in Charleston, S.C. He serviHl frequently in the state legislature: was a delegate to the conventions of 1787 and 1700; also holding other offices. He was among the most successful rice planters in the state; and one of the first to adopt the tide-water cultivation and the new pounding and threshing machinery, and to encourage inventions and improvements. He died Sept. 23, 1823, in Acton, S.C. Kinloch, Francis, congressman, was born March 7. 1755. in Charleston, S.C. In 178081 he was a delegate from South Carolina to the continental congress. He died Feb. 8. 1826, in Charleston. S.C. Kinloch, Robert Alexander, educator, phywas born Feb. 20, Since 1867 he has been professor of surgery in the medical college of .South Carolina. In 1876 he was a delegate to the international medical congress. He invented several surgical instruments and appliances, chiefly urethrotome stone pessaries. He was the first in the United State to reset the knee joint for sician, surgeon, inventor,

1826. in Charleston, S.C.

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