Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/445

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Kirby, Dennis Thomas, soMicr, was born in New York, lu 1861 he was captain in the eighth regiment Missouri inlMtry; and in 1865 was brr v. tti ri colonel general of volunteers.



eoldier» was born April 8, 1794, in Litchfield. He received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel for gallantry at ConXirli7i^


treras and Churubusco, and that of colonel for services at Molino del Rev. He died Aug. 2U, 1841), in Brownville, N.Y. Kirby, Edmund, Boldier, was born in 1840, in Rrowiivillo, N.Y. He was muile fir.'*t liputenaat in 18til; and was given the coumiission of brigadier-general of volunteers in He died May 28, 1863, in Washington, D.C.

Ktrbyi Sphraim, soldier, jurist, legislator, was born Feb. 23, 1757, in Litohficld, He served at the battle of Bunker Hill: and remained in active service until the Declaration of Independence. He j^ublished a vohime of Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court and Court of Errors, which was the first of that cliaractcr published in Connecticut, and probably in the author,


Ignited States. In I7!H 1804 lie wa^ a representative in the state leffialature. After the acquisition of Louisiana ne was appointed a judge of the newly orf,Mni/:< il territory of Orleans. He died Oct. 2, 1S04, in htoddard. Miss. Kirby, Mrs. Georgiana Bruce, litterateur, author, was born in 1818 in England. In 1838 she came to the United States; for some years was assistant matron at Sing 8iu^ prison; and Hince 1850 has lived in Gahfornia. Slic is the author of Transmission, or the Variation of Chiiraott r T})rou<?h the Mother; Years of Experience, an autobiographical narrative. Kirby, Isaac Minor, soldier, was born in Ohio. In 1861 he was captain in the fifteenth regiment Ohio infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volun;

teers. 1865.

He was

honorably mustered out


Hudson, actor, was born April New Jersey. During several years Kirhy was enjj;aged as leading performer at the Chatham street national theater. Here he met with remarkable popular* ity in tti. .iramas of Six Degrees of Crime; The burgeon of Paris; and The Carpenter of Eouen. He died in 1848 in England. Kitby, John Henry, lumberman, capitalKirbjr, J. 3, 1819, In

ist, was born Nov. 16, 1860, in reachtree Village. Texas. In 1885 he was admitted to the practice of law; and in 1886 became interested in pine lumber lands in eastern Texas inducing large investments therein by hankers and Mtln i> of Boston. ^lass. He con.«tructed the Gulf, Beaumont and Kansas City railroad, which he sold in 1900. He organized and became president of the Kir-

by lumber company which owns ten billumber and manufac* turea about three hundred and fifty million

lion feet of standing

feet of lumber ammally. He is president of the Browndel and Chester railway. Kirby, Joilan, manufacturer, inventor, was born in 1816 in Baltimore, >Trl. Iff invented a bung making machine; aud in 18ti8 manufactured a machine whieh turned out a liuntlred bungs per minute. Since 187.1 tile e.stablislunent has been owned and operated by a stock company; and he waa prcsi(h>nt and chief stock h<dder. In 1863 he vva.s elected to the Ohio state legislature. Kirby, Reynold Marvin, soldier, was bom Mm n il 10. 17!»0, in Litchfield, Conn. He entered the army in 1813; and received the brevets of first lieutenant and captain for gallantry in the siege of Fort Erie. He becanu' captain of artillery in 1824; and brevet major in the same year. He died Oct. 7, 1842. in Fort Sullivan, Maine. Kirby, William Maurice, soldier, was born Dec. 2. 1842, in Bridgeport, N.Y. He served in the civil war; and in 1865 attained the rank of captain. During the Spanish-Americiiii war Ih' attained the rank of lieutenant* colonel; and in 18i)7 was brevetted briga*




and resides in Auburn, N.Y. Edward, educator, clergyman,

college president, was born Dec. 23, 1873, in Kureka, Hieh. In 1900-05 he waa presi* dent of the Atlanta theological seminary; and in 1U05-07 was presidcait of the Drury college at Springfield, Mo. Sinee 1008 he has filled a pastornfp nt Medina, Ohio. Kirchhofi, Charles William Henry, miniiu; engineer, journalist, author, was lAtteb 28, IS.'-,.?, in San Francisco. Cal. In 1887 he became editor of the Iron Age. He has since 1882 prepared annually for the Mineral Resources of the United States chapters on certain of the heavier metals. In 1898-99 he was president of the American institute of mining enginwrs. He is the author of Notes on Some European Iron Districts. Kirchner, Otto, lawyer, educator, w as born July 13, 1846, in Germany. In 1876-80 he waa attorney-general of Michigan. In 1885 he was professor of law at Ann Arbor; and in 1893 was reappointed to the same posi-


tion. He has been president of Michigan political science association; is a successful lawyer of Detroit; and lectures on law in the university of Michigan. Kirchwey, George Washington, lawyer, author, was born July 3, 1856, in Detroit, Mich. In 1881-01 he practiced law in Albany, N.V. Ill Ififtl -lWl he was professor of law at Columbia university; and since 1001 has been dean of the school of law and jirofessor of law at Columbia university of New York City. He is the author of Readings in the Law of Real Property.

Kirk, Dolly Williams, educator, author, wa.* horn at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Since 1894 she has been a teacher in Montgomery high scluHd in Al:ii)Mnin. She ia the author of

With Spnrs

of (iold.

Kirk, Bdwaxd VnSUt, soldier, waa bom Feb. 28, 1828, in Jefferson county, Ohio. He

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