Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/446

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eonibiege ami was appointed brigadierot C'orintli; gen< r;il ut vuiuitt< i rs. He died Iroiu wuuiidd refeivi-.l ill halt I.- .lulv 2»), 1863. Kirk, Edward Norris, il<Tj,'ynian, author, horn .u;,'. 14. 1,S02, in >iew York City. He was pastor of the Mount Vernon church of Boston in IS42-74. He was president of the American missionary association. He was the author of Sermons* ; The Parables of Our Lord; Lectures on Revivals; Canon of the Holy Scripture; The Waiting Saviour: and Christian Sympathy Awakened, iiKiiiiit







a iM igiuie at 8hi]oh

and ut


March 27, 1874, in Boston, Mims. Kirk, Mrs. BUeii Warner, Henry Hayes, ur, author, was born Nov. 0, 1842, in bouthington. Conn. She i% tbo author of lie died litti ,,ifi

Through Winding

A Midsummer


Madiie>.s; Walford; I'ln Story of Margaret Kenti Sons and Daughters; Love in IdleA Le««on in Love; Fairy Gold; Queen


I'inKs. slioit stori.s; A Money: Hettii Daughter of Kve; Narden's Choosing; CiphThe Story of Lawrence Garthe» A Hevohitionary Love Story; A Girl's Book;I>orothy Deane; and Marcia. Kirk, James WilUam, journalist, was born in IS48, in Uyron. N.Y. He was educated


in the public schools of his native city; at Batavi;< acailemy: and at the Roekford State normal school. Karly in life in- was en^rtgfd in niercantih* businc-ts and schuiil teaching. In 1871 he moved to Kast St. Louis. III., where for twi-nty years he has been the editor of the Daily .Journal, of which ho is now the princi| ouiit r. He has taken a prominent part in public affairs; has held nunu'rous olFices of trust and honor; and fur many years he has been city comptroller of East St. Louis. 111. Kirk, John Poster, oduoator. author, was

born March

22, IS24. in Fredericktown, N.H. the secretary to the historian Prearott for eleven years; and from IRM a lecturer oM Kuropran lii-toiy at the university of Pennsylvania. He was the author of History of (Charles the Bold; and Supple* ment to AllibonrV- Dirtionary. He died in 10O4 in Philadelphia, Pa. Kirk, John H., Uwyer, jurist, was born April 187(1. in H.ll.ill. X..|. He was educated at the high school of Uraiuerd, Miira.; and graduated from the state university f>f MtJincsota, from which institution he received the decrees of B.S. and LL.B. Since 1000 he has bei>n in the active practice of law*; and lia-^ fillci! several positions of trust and honor. He is judge of the county court for Bottineau county; and resii!»'-» in Bottineau. N.D.

He was



Kirk, John R., educator, college president,

was bom

in 1851 in Illinois. Since 1871 he has b'^en engajred in t»'achin«j and practiced law for four years. For one year he was czamin«-r of schools for tbe Missouri state

nnivcr>ity: and is now president Of tllS Missouri state normal school. Kirk, May, was bom 1864 in Nova Scotia. She is the wife of K. W. S.-rijiture. J^bS iS the author of The Baldwin Primer. Kirk, Richard, colonial governor. In 1684 In colonuil governor of South Carolina. Kukbride, Franklin Butler, merchant, author, bom Aug. 7, 1807, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is engaged in mercantile and insurance business. He is part autiior of The

Modern Trust company: and The Dispensary Problem in Philadelphia. Kirkbride, Thomas Story, physician, auiIm 1. was born July .'H. 18tM». in .Morrisville, Pa. He was a physician of Philadelphia; stnd wa<» superintendent of the Pennsylvania o-|iital f«>r the insane in 1840-83. He was the author of Appeal for the Insane; Essays on Insanity; and Construction of Hospitals for the Insane. He died Dec 16, 1883, in I'hiladelphia, Pa. Kirker, Thomas, governor. He was acting I

,'oi in(i|

(if lMn7. He difd in Ohio, ill soldier, was burn 1821. in Springfield, Mass. During

Kirkham, Ralph Wilson, Feb.


the ciil t»r;



-erved as



and was lirevetted brigadier-general of nited States army. He died May 24,

the I IHI»3.


O.ikland. Cal.

Kirkham, Stanton Davis, naturalist, auwas born Dec. 7, 18H8, in France. He was educated in the public schools of California: and at the Massachusetts institute





traveled cvteiisively


Mexico, Kurope, Asia and Africa. He is the author of W'liere Dwells The Soul .Serene; The M 1111-1 ry of Beauty; Nature Whispers; In the Open; Mexican Trails; and osophy of Self -Help?



Kirkljnd, Mrs. Caroline Matilda, litterateur, author, was born Jan. 12, 18U1, in New York City. She was the author of New Hofne: Who'll Follow?: Western Clearings; Fireside Talks on Morals and Manners; Holidays Abroad; A Bo(^ for the lloine Circle: an«l Forest Life. She died Ajiril 6, 1864, in New York City. Kirkland, Dixon Fay, railway ofRcial of Manchester. Oa., was b<<rn .Tiiiif 1. isr»(», in Lowndes county, Ga., on his father's plantation. He entered railway service in 1883; has In-en train conductor, locomotive fireman, telegraph ui^K'ratur; in 188U-M1 was diMpitteh(>r for the Georgia, Southern and Florida railway at Macon; and in 1801 08 was dispatcher of the Plant system. In 1898-1900 he was trainmaster: in 1000-05


was division su|)crint("ndcnt in 1001-11 chief clerk of the (Uorgia. Florida and Alabama raihvay; and since 1012 bas been superin* tendrnt of that road.

Kirkland, Elizabeth Stansbury, educator, author, was bom in 1828 in New York. She wa> an educator of ( liicago. She was the uutlior of Six Little Cooks; Dora's Housekeeping; Speech and Manners for Home and


