Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/447

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and Short

Hi8torif8 uf English Litoiaturo; Franco, England, Italy, ft>r Vounf/ IVojjIl'. She thed iu 18JI(i in Cliicagu, Scliool;



Kirkland, John Thornton, (•1< r{»yniHn. auwas born August 17, 177u, in (Ji-ni'va, N.y. He vu8 a utiitarian clergyman; and was president of Harvard univernity in 1810-27. He was the author of J.ife of Fisber Ames; ami Ku]o;.'y ot Ct-ntMiil Waj^iiington. Ue died April 24, lti40, in Boston, thor,

Mass. KirkUind, Joseph, legislator, congressman, 18, 177U, in Old Norwich, Conn. He served frequently in the New York Slate l<>;.'iHliitiir<- and in 1821-23 was a representative from New York to the seventeenth congress. In 1832, 1884 and 1835 he was mavor of Utica, N.Y. He died Jan. 26, 1844, in L'tica, N.Y. Kirkland, Joseph, soldier, lawyer, author, was born .Ian. 7, 1830, in fJi ncva, N.Y. He was a lawyer of Chicago; and was a major in the federal army during the civil war. He was the autlior of Zurv; The MeVevs; • The (.'aptaiii of (.'unipauy K; The Story of Chicago; and Storv of Chicago Maattaere of

waa bom Jan.



died April 20. ISIM, in Chicago, HI.

Kirkland, Samuel, clergyman, missionary,

was born Dec. 1, 1741. in Norwich. Conn. Hi' was the founder uf Hamilton college, lie was a successful clirgyman and missionary to the Indians of Oneida couiitv, N.Y. died F«-b. 2S, 1808. in Clinton. N.Y. Kirkland, William, educator, journalist, author, was born in ISOO in l'tica. N.V. At the time of his death lie was editor of the New York Evening Mirror. He was the author of a series of L<>tters from Ahriia-l, which were n«-ver collected in book form. He dipd Ort. 111. 1846. in Pishkill, N.Y. Kirkland, William A., naval ofllcer, was born .July 3, 183(i, in North Carolina. In 1850 he entered the United States navy; and saw activt- servici' in the civil w;ir. In 18tt<i-S2 he eommatuied tteverul vessels in the South Atlantic squadron. In 1803 he w-i-i eoinniissioned commodore; and in 1891 attained the rank of rear-admiral, lie died


Aui;. 12, 1808, in

San Franeisco,


Kirkman, Marshall Monroe, railroad ideut, author, Illinois.

was horn July

He was


pr< >

1842, in

second vice-president of

the Chicago and iiort hu e-^teni r.iilway; ;uul has been executive officer of several railro»d8 for many years. He is the author of Clas.sical Portfolio of Primitive Carriers, illustrated. His work The Science of Kiiilway«, in twelve volumes, is a standard work on railway ei itiininirs and nprrntinn; KailRailway Kevi-nue; way l)isbursement> Railway Service; liaggage Car TraHic; Rail* v;iv Evpenditurc s Hiitidling of Railway Supplies; Hailwuy H.ttis and (iovernment

C'ontrid; How witlmiif T.o-'s:

Kirkpatrick, jurist,

Brook, N.J. In 1707 he was a member of the New .Jersey assembly; was in 17U7-1H03 an associate justice of the supreme court; and lHo:{-24 was hief justice. He died Jan.





and L.ihor



av Revenues


Andrew, lawyer,

was bom Feb.










l'.niiis ick,


Kirkpatrick, Andrew, lawyer, jurist, was born Oct. 8, 1844, in Washington, D.C. For eleven years he was president judge of the court of common pleas of Essex county, N. .1.; and in 18!>() was judge of the United States district court for New Jersey. Ue died in 1904 in Newark. N.J. Kirkpatrick, Edwin Asbury, educator, author, was born bept. 2U, 1862, in Peoria, Iowa. Since 1808 he has been director of the child study department at the state' normal school of Fitchburg, Mass. He is the author of Inductive Faychology; Fondamen* tala of Child Study; and Genetic Payeholo-


James Percy, railroad official was born July 21, 187'». Canada. He was edu-

of Kegina, Canada,

in Stratford, Ontario,

cated at Valparaiso, Ind. He entered rail* way service in has been |)assenger conductor and trainmaster and since 1912 division-superintendent. Grand Trunk Pacific i

railway. Kirkpatrick,

born July






Philadelphia, Pa. 1772, in of The Liglit of Other

She wah the author Days, edited by her Cogswell. She died Brunswick. N.J. Kirkpatrick, John

daughter, Mrs. Jane E. Feb. 16, 1851, In New

Lycan, clergyman, col-

lege president, was born Jan. 20, 1813. in Mecklenburg county, N.C. In 1861 he became president of Davidson college of North Car<diiui; and in 186t) was elected to the chair of moral philosophy in Washington eoII?ge of Lexington, Va., when under the presidency of General Robert E, Lee. He died June 24. 1885, in Lexington, Va.

Kirkpatrick, Uttleton, lawyer, jurist, oon^ri->rii:iii








HJ. In 1843-45 he was a representative from New Jersey to the twentyeightli congress; and was also for five years surrogate of the county of Middlesex. He died Aug. 15. 1859. in Saratoga Sprin^,N.Y. Kirkpatrick, Sanford, public oflicial. congressman, was born Feb. 11, 1842, in Madison county. Ohio. He served in the dvil war; and for twenty-seven years was io the internal revenue service. In ll>13 he was a member of the sixty-third oongress. Brunswick,

Kirkpatrick, Snyder

S., lawyer, state senwas born Jan. 27, 1848, Franklin county, III. In 1879-81 he was ronnty .ittorney of Wilson county. Kan.; was a member of the state senate for four years; and in 1895-97 he was a representative from Kansas to the fifty-fourth CODgret^s as a republican.

ator, congressman,


Kirkpatrick, Wiffism, conj^rreMmanT was born Noveiiilx-r. 17^8. in Am will, N..T. In iHOti he moved to Sal^na, N.Y., and became superintendent of the Salt Springs. In

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