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placed in command of a band of scouts engaged in lighting tin* Indians; and later he became 2d lieutenant in the llth infantry. In 188I-H3 was made the second otlicer in the expedition to the far nortii, in which He died June 1, 1884, lie died of starvation. in (ireenland.

Kissam, Richard Sbarpe, physician, was born in 1S»'»3 in New York City. He began practice in New York in 1791, and for thirty years was at the head of his profession, lie was particularly noted as a lithotomist, only tliree out of his sixty-five operations proving fatal. He died in October, 1822, in New York City. Kitchel, Harvey Denison, educator, clergvman, college president, was born Feb. 3, 1812. in Whitehall, N.Y. In 1839-48 he was pastor of the Congregational church of Thomaston, Conn.; and for sixteen years was pastor at Detroit, Mich. In 1866 he succeeded Benjamin Labarec as president of Middleburg college of New York, He died Sept. 11, 189.5, in Danaville, N.Y, congressman, United Aaron^ Kitchell, States senator, was born July lU, 1744, in Hanover, N.J. In 1791-97 and 1799-1801, was a representative from New Jersey to the second, third, fourth and sixth congresses. In 180.5-09 he was United States senator. He was also a member of the state legislature. He died June 25, 1820, in Hanover, N.J. Kitchell, Edward, soldier, was born in Illinois. In 1862 he was lieutenant-colonel

the ninety-eighth regiment Illinois infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted colonel brigadier-general of volunteers. He died July 12, 1869. Kitchell, Joseph Gray, artist, author, was born April 25, 1862, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1900 he produced the Kitchell Composite Madonna, a blend of the most important Madonnas painted by the great masters during three centuries. He is the author of in


American Supremacy. Kitchen, Bethuel M., farmer, state senator,

congressnmn, was born March 21, 1812,

Berkeley county. Pa. In 1861-62 he was elected to the legislature of Virginia; and in 1863 was elected a representative from that state to the thirty-eighth congress, but was not admitted to his seat. In 1864 he was elected to the state senate of West 'irginia; and in 1867-69 he was a representative from West Virginia to the fortieth congress as a republican. He died in in



Kitchin, Claude, lawyer, congressman, was horn March 24, 1869, in Scotland Neck, N.C. In 1HS8 he graduated from the Wake Forest college of North Carolina. In 1890 he was admitted to the practice of law; and since that time has been engaged in the practice of his profession at Scotland Neck, N.C. In 1901-15 he was a representative from North Carolina to the fifty -seventh, fifty-eighth,

fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second

and sixty-third congresses as a democrat, Kitchin, William H., soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born kx. 22, 1837, in Lauderdale coiwity, Ala. He moved with his parents to North Carolina in 1841. He served in the confederate army; and rose to the rank of captain. In 1879-81 he was a representative from North Carolina to the fortv^ixtll congress as a democrat. He died Feb. 2, 1902. in Scotland Neck, N.C. Kitchin, William Walton, journalist, lawyer, c«)ngressinan, governor, was born Oct. He was 9, 1866, near Scotland Neck, N.C. educated at Vine Hill


academy Forct^t


Wake where

he graduated in 1884. He edited the Scotland Neck IX'mocrat in 1885. After studying law, lirst under his father.


W. H.

Kitchin, and then at the university o f North Carolina, he was admitted to the

bar in




cated at Roxboro in

1888, where he still practices his profession. He was chairman of the county executive committee in 1890; an'l in 1892 was a nominee for the state senate. In 1897-1909 he was a representative from North Carolina to the fiftv-tifth fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth,* fiftyninth and sixtieth congresses as a democrat. In 1909 he became governor of North Carolina.

Kitcbing, John Benjamin, merchant, foun-

was born April 20, 1813, in England. He rendered the telegraph important pe-


cuniary aid

in its early history.

In 1840 he

was associate in founding several banks; and in the establishment of the Polytechnic and Packer institutes of Brooklyn, N.Y. He was one of tlie promoters of the Manhattan market and the (larfield national bank; and in 1873 was instrumental in founding St. .John's school of New York City. Kitching, John Howard, soldier, was born July 10, 1840, in New York City. He served in the civil war, and in 1864 received the of brigadier-general of volunteers. died Jan. 11, 1865, in Ferry, N.Y.



Kitson, Mrs, H. H., artist, sculptor, was born in Brookline. Mass. She is the wife of Henry Madison Kitson, a sculptor. She was selected by the women of Michigan to make two bronze figfures for the World's Columbian exposition to represent the woods of Michigan. She has made a statue of volunteer for soldiers' monument at Newliuryport, Mass.; and has made a statue for the soldiers' monument at Ashburnliani, Mass.; and a statue for the Massachusetts state monument to the twenty-ninth, thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth Massachusetts vol-
