Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/450

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HERRINaSHAW*8 LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BfOORAFBT. unteer infantry at the national military park of Vicksburg. She has made portrait medallionB of GieneraU Dodge, KHn«oin, hogant Ulair, Howard. A. J. Smith, Cirierson and MePherson for the Sherman monument at

he was a delejate from the prcfibyterlan elm nil to the centenary conference of mislf><>7

He sions at Shanjrhai, Clilna. thor of Year Booit of Sermon ChiUlren.

nineteentli congress, lie died June 16, IH'M, in Philadelphia, Pa. Kittredge, Alfred Beard, lawyer, United States senator, was born March 20, 1861, in Cheshire roiinty, X.H. In 1800-93 he waa a menibor of the South Dakota state nenate. In hH>l-iHI he was a member of the United States senate. He died May 4, lOll, in Hot fc»|)riti-j^. Ark.

Kittredge, George Lyman, educator, author, waa bom Fth. 28, 18<I0, in Boeton, Mass. He is professor of Kiiglisli at Harvard university. Ue is the author of The Mother Tongue; Words and Their Ways in Kn^Iish Speech; Old Fkrmer and His Al-

ma nc. KittTsdgi^ Omif* legislator, eongrcsso in Kppiiig. N.H. He practiced medicine at Xewmarlcet, HM. He waa a member of the legislature in 1847, 1851 and 18.52, odiciuting as speaker in In 18i>3-.')r) he was a representative from Js'ew Iiatii|)sliir<" to tlx- thirty-third congress. Ho

man, was born



1S7S. in

Newmark.-t. X.H.

Henry Grattan, munufatiurer, was born Jan. 22, 1845, Claremont, X.H. For a number of year.-* he tvas a woolen manufacturer; organized the textile exhibits at the World's ColumKittredge,


position and al^o at the Paris vxpt.sition of liKlo. lie i» the author of UtiliKation of Wastes and Ry-Products. Kittredge, Josiah Edwards, chtLvman, author, was boni Oct. 12. 1830, in iiostou, Mass. He was a student at the Union theological seminar.v; an«l nt the Auduver i




received the of A.H. from Ynle college: and l).l>. from the university of the city of Xew York. IHtiO In he v;ts ordaine<| to the minist ry. l»; isbyterian He has tilled ixistorates lie


at Glastonbury, Conn.,

Germany, Italy ; in I877-1906 preached in Qeneseo, N.T.

jurist, state




was born July

Canterbury, NJJ.




Canaan in the legislature. In 1855-59 he waa chief justice of the court of common





18»4. in Concord,


X.H. Kittredge, Thomaa^ surgeon, state legislator, was bom In 1746, in Andover, Mass. He was ap|>ointt'<l surK»*on Ln Colonel James Frye's regiueut in 1776; and waa at the He served In the battle of Bunker Hill. state le;?i«1atnre sfvcral tiTins; and in the Ue died in October, council in 1810-11. 1818, in Andover, Mass.

Norman G., lawyer, legislator, was bom in the state of Alabama, has b(H>n district attorii^ and district jud«e of the twelfth judicial distrirt of Texas. He has been president of the Texas state bar association; and in 1890-1000 was a representative in the Texas state legIn 1893 he was appointed judge islature. of the sixty-first judicial district on creation Kittrell,








He was


quently elected without opposition for the terms of 1904-12; and resides in Houston, in the author of a work whidi Texas. has been draniatizeil.


Kittredge, Walter,


was born Oct. 8, 1834, in Merrimack, N.H. In 1863 be composed his most successful sonir. Tenting on the Old Gamp Ground, which a BoHton publisher declined at the year later, when price of iifteeu dolUrs. was Issued, ten thousand copies were it and it iM'raino anioii;^ sold in thrcr moivths the most popular of the civil war sougs. Por forty yean ha gave concerts. He was the author of When They Come Marching


journalist, suthor,



Texts for

Kittredge, Jonathan, temperance advocate,


Kittera, John W., lawyer, congressman, in Pennsylvania. In 1791-1801 he v;i-i a ri'jircsentative from Pennsylvania to tilt: svcund, third, fourth, fifth and sixth eongresaea; and was then appointed United .Stat••^* district attorney for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. He died in Penn* aylvania. Kittera, Thomas, lawyer, congressman, W-H8 burn in Pennsylvania. Ue practiced law at Philadelphia, Pa. In 1825-27 he was a r< ]in sfntativ<' from Pt im- ylvania to the

was born




and la

Home; No Night There; and many

other melodies; and has published sevHis productions popular songlKKtks. He soon be published in one volume.

favorite fHil will

died .Tnly 8, 1906, In Reeds Ferry. N.H. Klapp, Lyman, mercliant, founder, waa In born in 1827, in Westhampton, Mass. 1853 he entered upon a series of experiments for the puriKJse of devisiujf suitable machinery and pro;:ress for manufacturing veiietabte oils. In 1855 he founded the Union nil compnny of Providence, and of New Orlean.s, La. Klauser, Julius, musician, conipust r, was bom July d. 1^04, in New York City. Ue

a music teacher of Milwaukee. Wis.


the author of the Septonale and the tralization of the Tonal Syst«'iii.


is is


music teaclier, autiior, Karl, He was 24. 1823. in Russia. dircftor of Farmington. Conn. Half Hours with the Itesl Com-

was born Ann. a


musical edited


and with Theodore Thomas and Pro-

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