Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/451

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fessor Paine compilwl a biographiml work lie tlietl in Fuuious ComiK)ser8.

entitled 1U05, in

Farmington, Conn. lawyer, eonKleberg, Rudolph, soldier, grebsman, I'liited States senator, was born June 26, 1847, in Austin county, Texas. In 18G4-05 he served in the confederate army of the civil war. He studieil law in San Antonio, Texas; and in 1872 was adIn 1873 he establisluMi mitted to praetice. the Cuero Star; and in 1876-80 was county attorney. In 1882 he was a nieniber of the United States senate; and in 1885 was ai»pointed United States attorney for the western district of Texas. In 18U7-1U03 he was a representative from Texas to the tifty-seventh coufifty-fifth, tifty-sixth and gresses as a democrat. pianist, compoHer, Klein, Bruno Oscar, was born June 0. 1858, in Hanover. Since 1884 he has been head of the pianoforte department at the convent of the sacre«l heart; and organist at St. Ignatius of New York City. He is the author of Kenihvortli. grand opera in three acts. Klein, Charles, playwright, author, was born .Ian. 7. 18t>7. iti Loiitlon, England. He is

the author of



Mile a





among which



.Vttorney ; Auctioneer; The Music Master; and the Stepchild. educator, author, was Klein, Herman, In 1888born July 23. 1850, in England. H)()l he was musical critic for the Sunday Times of I^ondon, England and is now enHe has comgage«l as a teacher of singing. posed .several songs and piano compositions including a gnind march for the Paris exHe is the author of Musical position. Notes and Thirty Years of Musical Life in



London. Klein, Joseph Frederic, mechanical enauthor, was born Oct. 1(1. 184S>. in


SiiM-e 1881 he has Im'^mi proParis, France. fessor of nm-hnnical engineering in Lehigh He is the author of Eleuients university. of Machine Hesign ; and Design of a High-

Steam Engine. Klein, Simon Robert, physician, gist. linguist, scientist, wos born sjmmmI







received a thorough high sc-h«>ol wincation atten<UHl the university m«><lical coland lege of Vienna has receive<l the degrees of and M.l). For ten years Ph.D. he was an army phj'sician and surgeon in the (rermnny with For rank of captain. he was three years coroner's physiciiin

and for nine years editor of a niwliail wet-kly pai>er. a noted linguist and speaks nearly a dozen Euroiwan languages. He was clinical

was the



at Clarinda, Iowa.

Klein, Paul, business man and statesman 201 West Madison St., lola. Kan., was For born Sept. 7, 1856, in Mas»a»itah, III. many years he was engaged in agricultural ])ursuits; and since 1887 has also ln-en iu the men-antile business; and

now a sucHe has tilled several

cessful lumber dealer. IHisitions of trust and honor; and is now u member of the Kans^is state senate from the fourteenth senatorial district. Kleiner, John J., soldier, educator, congressman, was bom Feb. 8, 1845. in West Hanover, I*a. He servetl in the union army during the civil war. In 1883-87 he was a representative from Indiana to tlie forty-


eighth and forty-ninth «;ongressi's as a jlemocrat. He is a manufacturer and dealer of lumber. In 1874-80 he was mayor of Evansville. Ind. Klemm, Louis Richard, educator, author, was Uirn D«h-. 8, 1845, in tJernuiny. Since 1SS1»







He is the author ol text study of (Jerman History of tiernnin Literature; Higher Education of Women; and other works. Klepper, Frank B., lawyer, congressman, was born June 22. 1804, in St. John, Mo. lie was educated at the Baker university of Kaldwin City, Kan.; and graduated from (he law department of the Missouri .state university, lie taught school for two yi'ars; iiUil began the practice of law at Polo, .Mo. In l!MM»-05 he was prosecuting attorney of Caldwell county, .Mo. In 1905 •)7 he was a representative from Missouri to the fiftyninth congress as a republican. loreign education.

lMM»kH for the



Francis, illustrator, artist,

was born .March I, 1861, in Zeitz, i;ernmny. In 870 he came to the United States with liis parents; and learned the lithographic 1


assistant in the New Y'ork state nsylnni at Home; assistant pathologist in Wards house surgeon in St. Luke's Island, N.Y. pathologist to hospital at Newburgh, N.Y. t-ompauy at Columbus sanitarium the Ohio and Marion and is now assistant physician and |>athologist of the Iowa state hospital

He resid«Ml in New Inisiness in Chicago. 111. N'ork City where lie studied at the Art stuilents" league. In lS87-8!» he studiinl at the He attained Koyal academy of .Munich. vnc<'«'ss as an illustrator anti jiainter; and His specxhiitited at several art institutes. is painting horse and animal subjects, 1!»07 in Flatbush. N.Y. Kletzsch, Gustave Adolpb, physician, surgeon, was Intrn Nov. 9, 1857, in Newburgh. For thre*' years he was in the hardWis. He was physician in the ware business. and at the WyKandall's ishmd h«)s|)ital oming hospital of New Y'ork. In 1889 he was promoted assistant surgeon in a wnm11«' is now practicing as a iin's hospital. consulting physician in Milwaukee, Wis. Kletzing, Henry F., educator, author, was He born Nov. 24, 1850, in Fairview, Pa.


lie d'ied in
