Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/16

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H ISTORICAL INDEX lodiAo AggresftioDs ................. 4 8 i C ostu m es............................. 6 I'U sto m s.............................. 5 F «m U and sp o rts.............. 2 Fiftbmg and llu n tin g & GoTcrnioent ....................... 2 «Namea ....................... 3, ^ 188 Urigm and Local T r ib e s ..2,188 Patiis aud T r a ils ............... X Religion ............................... I Trcatisa ........................ .. * 13 Villagvs and B c itlem en U .. 1 Wars and F o ra y s ............... & Inns O ld .. .38, 105. 150. 262. SO*. 21K 222. 234. 226, 33SL 252 b S T . ...................................... 234 Ifoo ............................. 12, 20, 236 In d u s t o '..........................23.238 U i l U .................................... 21

    • lioa Guards**..................... 12. 56

Jackson, Col. Clarence 0 . . . . 1 2 L I8 £ .d 6 d Jacksmi G u a r d s ..................... ISA JaduOD, Mordroai W ,. ,. I61. Aid Jackson Township .................. SAL Jackson & W oodin M fg. C o .. l i l i First Store, 1855 ( i « v ) . . 'l4 3 Works, IH73 (V ie w ) 141 Jail, Columbia Cou nty 85 V i e w .................................... i m Jamison C ity ......................... 324 Jenkins. Fort ....................ML 331 Jersey town ...............................383 John Fam ily ..................... 388 Jonestown ................. 222 Judges— Aaaociato ............................ Z1 PresKlent ............................ li Biographies ....................... *5»7Q Judieiai DiatricU.65| 2Sr 2 1 L X12 Karkaase ........................... H . 328 Kernsville .................................225 Kline Fam ily ......................... 254 Knob Mountain 12i 358 Lead Ore .............................S2i 22 Legirlative Diatricta............ 80, U6 Ushef, Prof. A lb ert U 146 Lewis, Judge P*llia...............6JL X U Libraries, ^ U i ^ B erw ick.......................... 16 6 . I M Bloom t b u r g ......................... 116 Life Story o f a Great Indus* try ...................................... 141 S t r e e t .............................245 L ^ U n g . Gaa ......................... 88 Ekrtric .............................. 82 Line Ridge (C e n tre ville). . . . 222 lAmestonc 20, 232. 353 Uterary and Social Clube— Bloomsburg ................ 132 BefwiHc .............................. 142 Uule, Judge Robert R ......... ............................... 52, 313, 818 U d u , Cknal 43, 148 L o w t T o w n s h ip ................... 228 T.oeu»tdale ............................. 202 Lodgvs. In d ia n ....................... 5 LQtheraaa ......................... 41* I I L H L 123. U L 12L

lo g , 2!)!L 5<!2t, s22t 222. SS2i 255, 5 5 5 ,545, 5 4 5 ,2 4 2 , aso. 351. 254. 256. 260. 262. 267. 284 Lyon, Robert ................. « . . . 1U8 McAulcy, Alexsnder. .17, 208. 224 McAuJey 51ountaio IV, 20k M iClure, Fort H, m i .McC’lure, J a m e s ^ 17, 168 .McHenry, l l a n i c l ........ 12 McHenry, John G ................... 2 1 2 McW illiama, R o b e r t 18 Mildisoii Township ............... 283 Magee Clirpct Company UA M ail R ou tes e tc .................. .H * 38 51aii b crrk e . Ancient and .M odern ............. 17,32,142 Main Township ..................... 288 .Mainrille ................................ 282 M allory, Garrick 162. 841 M arU ville .............................. m Masonic PraCornity, Blooms* burg .................................... 128 (See also Borough and Tow n­ ship C*hapter«.j Maus Fam ily ......................... 17, 274, 282, 400, 407, 885 .Medical Profesaion................. I8 Medical Societies — Columbia Cbunty ............. 14 Montour County ............... 24 5lrthodut Church and Acad* em y, Berwick ................... 168 V iew , 1840 ......................... 144 Methodiat Epimropal Denomi* ciatiOD...................... .......... 50, U 3 , 146, m , 122i. 222. 204. 209. 310. 223. 227. 230. 283. IU!L 2 1 L 211.2 4 L 254. 256. 261, 2 ^ 282. S4Z. 221 Mcthodiat kpiacopal Circuits— Ik rw ick 60, 121 lllooixubiirg ........................ 86 X o rt hum her land 6 ^ 111 4lcUiodiat Protestant Denomi* n a t io n ..................... 03, 179. 212 5tifl1in Bridge ....................... 84 5fifflin Crosaroiada ................. 266 MilBlii T o w n s h ip ................... 286 MiffUnrllle .............................. 286 M iliU r y ..................... 77, 132, 168 M ill G r o v e .............................. 243 M illertown (Canby) ................ 254 5IiU rille Borough ....................232 Mineral P r o d u c ts .......... SL11 Mines, Coal. ,26, 2223.2S5. S<!Z. 2Ua 'O follie Maguires/* T r ia l 71 Montana or A rlstca..................268 Montgomery, W illiam .......... I I (See also Montour County.) Montour County Agricultural . • ^ i e t y ................................ 32 Montour 0>unty Medical So­ ciety ................................... 24 Montour. M a d a m e ............. Montour T o w n s h ip ..................652 Monument* •* Soldiers*. Catawisiui ............ 163 Soldiers* a n d S a i l o r s * , Bloomsburg . .. ........... 126 V i e w s .................................. 126 M o rd a n s v ille ........................


.Moses Van Campeo Chapter, I). A . K .................................182 Mount Pleaaant T o w n a h ip ... 254 . M u n i c i p a l Improvements, Bloomsburg ........................ l u i National Road ....................... 34 N ationality o f Kurly Settlers JA N e w lin . . . 225 New Media (N u m id ia ) 224 N e w tp a p e re ............... 99, 216. 234 N orth Branch Canal................. ......................... 42, 153, 242,243 North M o u n ta in 19 Northumherbnd C ir c u it, M e th o d is t....................... go, 1 2 1 Northumberlojid Presb ytery.. 46 Numidta ................................ 79^ Oak Grove ............................ 123 OfReiola— Benton ............................... 2 1 8 Berwick .............................. iftK B lo o m sb u rg........................ I08 Catawissa ........................... 166 C'olumbia C o u n ty ............... az M illville .............................. 238 Orangeville ........................ W est Berwick ................... 156 Old Gristm ills ....................... 3 2 Old Inns 32, 105, 150, 202. 206. 211. 222. 224. 226. 840, 242 Orange Township ................. O m ngeville A c a d e m y 246 Orangeville B o ro u g h ................244 Orchards ................................ 26 Organization o f < * b u n t y .. .^ 223 Orphanage, MifRiBville .......... 241 Ostrich Farm ......................... 248 Owen, E v a n ........................... ..1 7. 35, 104, 12^ 142,. 150, 144 Owcnsrille (B erw ick) ......... 1 ftu 0}*ertown (nioomshurg) . . . 144 Paper M ills ..............................245 Paradise .................................. 226 Passenger Boat, Pennsylvania Canal (V ie w ) . . . .............1 as Patrons o f Husbandry 36 (See also Borough and Townahip Cliapiers.) P e a l ........................................ 244 Peckham. Hon. Aaron K .. 44 Penn, W illiam .. . . . . . . . 12 Pennsylvania Canal ............. 83 Pa»M*ngerBoat, 1869 (V ie w ) ifia PennsytvaniA, Founding o f . . 12 Area ................................... 12 Boundaries .. 12 Pensyl (W illo w v o le ) ..............232 Pentecostal Denomination 83a 5A4 PhysicUns. E a r l y ................. 2A Ptiysieians. K e g ix te re d 28 Pine Summit ......................... 282 Pine Township ..................... 2 4 1 Pioneers .............................. 14 (See a U o B o r o u g h a n d Township (%apters.| Pioneer Station ..................... 226 P o lk ville (W a lle r) .......... 241. 212 Pollock. Judge Jamea........

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