Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/26

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BIOGR.PHICAL INDEX LvflWr. Mrs. Carrie (R iim c IU.1259 Xx*gicn F iiw ily ............ 1214 te ^ e o , ilr r a a n R ............... 1214 Lcbmau F a m ily .................... 942 Lebmao. Frank .......................942 Lciby la m ily ...................... 1114 Lciby, Simoa ......................... 1114 Leidy F a m ily ........................ 933 Leidy, Jubn f i ........................ 933 Leidy, P a u l ......................... 31? JLcmuo, Michael .......................M2 Lemon. W iitiam M .......... 843 LenbarL C. Fred.................... vjfi Leuhari F o io it y ..................... 32fi Lenbart, George V............... 966 LeCleer Fam ily ..................... 1255 Letleer. Oscar E ..................... 1255 U v o m C. D ............................ 6i8 Levan (L e Von) Familiea. &QI, 87H I.«vaD, Joseph ....................... 1078 I^van, W ilsoo ....................... 107H Lewio, Judge HUis.............. 60* f i l Litcbard Fam ily ................... 655 liu h a rd , Jamea I L ............... £ 5 5 Little, Mrs. JUeborah T LLi l i t t l e F a m i l y ........................ i l : i L ittle, Judge Robert R .......... ................................ 69* 313* l l A Livziey, H arvey C ................. 930 U vziey , W illiam ..................... 930 Iwockard Fam ily ................. 1030 Lockard. James S . . . . . . . . . 1030 liOckhart, Cbarlea C ................1143 liOcfchart F a m ily 1143 Long, d ia rie s C .................... 846 Long Fatntlica 707, 952 («ong, John K .......................... 952 l^oogcnbrrger F a m i l y ............ 1260 Ix>reman F a m ily ................... 962 Lorrman. Jonathan ............. 962 r«ormer Family ..................... 112H Lormrr, Seth C . . . . . .............. H 2 H l^ v e t t , W illiam .......................997 LoveU . AViliiam T ............... 997 l^owfT. W illiam F . . ..........162, 744 Lundy, John ........ Zh3 Lundy. Rev. Joba P ............. 233 Lu U . Charles B ..................... 754 l^ t x Fam ily ........................ 754 Lym an Fam ily .......................l i £ M eAoall. Cbarlea K ................1031 McAaall. John ....................... 1030 McAnall. John H ....................1030 .McBride. Charles 6 ................1060 McBride Fam ily ................... 1069 McBride, Hugh D ....................1060 kIcBride. Jamea D ................... 717 M c B ri^ , Miss L. Rachel 1090 McBride, Oarar R ....................1069 McCollum. A lfred F ................1096 McConnell F a m ily ................. S93 McConnell. Geurgc ............... 522 McCormick. J a m e s ................. 222 McTfenry, Abram L ................1146 3(cllenrr. B. Frances............. 320 kfcHenrv F a m ilie s ...................... 657. 614. 1146, 1160. 1194. 1235 kfcHetiry, Ira R ..................... 1160 MeUenry. James B ................ 1235 McHenry, John G ............. 812. 65?


McHciiry, Dr. M ontraville.. . . Messersmilh Family ........... 787 322, n o i McMcrsmitb, Jeosv B ..............T87 M cllcnry, Oliver S ................. 614 Michael 4atnilies.. 5 l l . 1139, 1215 IlcK illip , Harvey A ............... 5 U Michael. Obodiah ................... 1140 McMohsut Fam ily ................. 1225 Milbeim Fam ily ....................11 7 9 51r5UJian, Capi. James.......... IIC I •MilUni Fam ily ............... 1 51eMieluiel, J a m e s ................. 1149 MillanJ, W illiam l i ............... .MrMicliael. W illiam K ............ 1149 Miller, Daniel f i ................... 801 IlcN eal, Aon ......................... 5*3 Miller, Duvid M .................... 1 1 2 5 .McVicker Fam ily ................... fi55 M iller Families .................... MvWiUiams Families . . .563. 664 .................801, 1064, 1125, 1102 MactVea, Alexander B., M« D, 5i6 •blkr. Gt-orgc W ....................|084 51acCroH Fam ily .................... 213 M ilkx, H arry I ) .................... 801 MacdoaaUI Fam ilies.609. 666, 1156 Miller, Jamiw N .................... 7 7 $ Mocdooatd. Jobn T., M. D ...1156 Miller. Reuben J .............] 162 yiocdonald, John L ............... |HI2 M ill* F a m ily ................054 MacIntyre P a n iU y ................. £ £ i Mills, Samuel A .................... 684 Madden Family ............. 693 Milnes >hmily ....................... joiO Madden, W illiam T ............... 692 Molyneaux F a m i l y ................11 9 5 5U gill. Ur, W illiam f i ......... Molyoeaux. W alter R ............ 119 5 ..............................267* 321* 372 .Monroe, W illiam R ................. j«n Macreevy Family ................ 1241 31on(gomery, Dsniel ........... 2 ho ^lallcry, Gorrick ............ 162. 461 5loiitgomery, Gen. Daniel____ Maloney Fam ily ................... 1241 ...................... 274* 280* J27* Jljil Planning Fam ily ..................1039 .Montgomery FatnlTi^ 17 * 27k Manning, W illiam 11.............. 1039 Montgomery. John C ............. :mk Mansfield Fam ily ..................1)31 Montgomery. John G ........... a i 6 Mansfield. W illiam J .............. 1)31 Montgomery, Gen. W illia m .. Markle, Daniel H ....................1169 ...........................— 2 1 8 . asr Markle Familiea. 1043» 1140, 1170 Montgomery, Judge W illiam . 2 hi Marks Fam ily ...................... ft-U .Montgomery. Rev. WYlliam B. 231 3larks, Robert L ................... 63 4 31oomey F a m i l y ..................... 8 t9 Marr. Alem .....................314, 325 Moomey, George S ................. H4v Ila rU o Fam ily ..................... 583 Moore, Erau B ....................... 1 1 4 1 5tar1in, James ...................... 941 .Moore Fam ilits .................... .Martin, lY itx ic k ..................... 941 ...................525* 6^ 1141, 1194 .Marlx. Ambrose ................... 925 Moore, John B ........................ 631 3U rU . (Iiarlea N ....................1062 Moore, W illiam f i ..................119 4 3U rlx, David U. F ..................1042 Mordun Fam ily ..................... H 66 MarU. Kd««ard S ................... 1154 .Mordan. llaririan L ................ U 66 JlarU F a m ilie s ............... 610, Morgan Family .................... 989 908. 924. 1042. 1050, 1062. 1154 Morgan. John L .................... 9H 9 Martz. H e n r v ........................ 924 Moser Fam ily ...................... 602 M arU , J a c o b ...........................906 Mourer, L K .......................... 3 2 1 Martz. Jacob W .................... 929 Jlowery F a m ily ..................... H05 .Martz. JoliQ .......................... 924 .Mowery. tSeorge................ 1105 Moftteller F a m ilie s 476. 1097 Mowrer. Mrs. Annie S ............867 Masteller, W illiam ............. 1097 Mowrer, John ................... 867 Masters l Y m i l y .......................filH Mowrer. W illiam K ............... 867 Masters, Francis P 619 Mowrey, Mrs. Eleanora.......... 1216 Masters, Mrs. Orpha L . . . . . £22 ifg a r c y F a m ily .................... 1816 Maus F a m ilie s ...................... Mowrey. George Y ..................1216 17* £74* ^ 400* 407* 44.5 Mowrey, I s a a c .......................1 2 1 6 Maus. Philip R ...................... 4fl7 Munson, David ..................... 1 1 2 2 Mauser. A bn zn A ....................1191 3luttHon F a m i l v ..................... 1 1 2 2 5fAUser, David ....................... 1205 Munson, .Mrs. 1o>iii«A ............ 1 1 2 2 3Ianser Familiea. .926. 1191, 1205 Murray, David K ................ ^ 5tanser. >lrs. Sarah J ............ 1206 Miirry Family ....................... 1207 ileliek . Henry W ................... 1062 Murry. M ile% '......................... 12 0 7 Melick F a m ilie s 1055, 1062 Musselnuii. Bi»vcrly S r . . 855 Mensch Familiea ................... Miisselman. Ih*ver]y J r . . 719 ..................... 586* 630* ? « ). 1224 Miiscelman. Misa Klizabeth L. 856 Mensch. Frank ..................... 1224 Musselman. Miss SarahC .. 856 .Mensch. John S .........................566 Myerley, George W ............... 8S0 Mensch. L4*a'is C ................... 630 Myerley, Mr*. Harriet S _____ 851 Mcnsch. W i l l ia m ................... 761 Myers FnniiUes 976, 1025 Meredith F a m i l y ................... 55L Meredith, Hugh B.. M. I ) . Newbaker F a m ilv ................... £ i2 .............................. 3 ^ 362* 5 1 i Newbnkcr. Dr. r t llip C..322. fiJD MericV, ThiHxIore . . . . . . . . . . 615 SVvtman Family ................. 777 Merkel F a m i l y ....................... 1071 NVuroaii. .lohn f i . ............... 77 7 Merkel. W illiam A ................1071 NVyhurd Fam ilr ............... 840