Page:Historical and biographical sketches.djvu/108

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be to give them in the beginning only a line to learn and prove forward and backwards in order for them to learn to know and call the letters better, so that they would not get their A, B, C, by rote. But having many of this kind I let them repeat the A, B, Cs, after one another, but when the child has recited, I ask it whether it cannot show to me the letter with its finger? If I find that the child doesn't know, or is backward, I ask another in the same way or as many as there are. Whichever finger shows the letter first I take in my hand and hold it until I have made for that child a mark with chalk. Then I ask again for the other letters and so on. The child who during the day has received the most marks has shown the most letters, and to this one I owe something, sometimes a flower painted upon paper or a bird. But if there are several alike it is decided by lot. This gives the least discontent. This plan takes away from the backward something of their backwardness, which is a great hinderance to learning, and also increases their wish to go to school and love for it.

So much as to his request to know how I receive the children in school, and how I arrange the assembling of the children before prayer and continue the exercises after prayer, through what means the inattentive and careless are induced to give thought and attention to learning their lessons well, and how the too shy are, as much as possible, assisted.

Further Continuation of the Information.

After the little ones have recited I give the Testament scholars a chapter to learn. Those who read letters and news sit together, and those who cipher sit together. When I find among the little ones any who have progressed so far in reading that they will soon be ready to