Page:History of Oregon Newspapers.pdf/13

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Others who aided in various ways are David Foulkes, for many years mechanical superintendent of the Oregonian; William A. Bowes, former secretary of Multnomah Typographical Union No. 58; Arthur Brock, old-time member of the union; Claire Warner Churchill; Robert C. Hall and S. Paasche of the University of Oregon Press; M. H. Douglass, University of Oregon librarian; helpful staff members of Portland, state, University, and historical society libraries; Roger Bailey, Gordon Connelly, Orval Etter, Ruth McClain, Inez King (Mrs. W. N. Herring), Margaret Veness, Lynnette Davis, Geneva Drum Manning, Ruth Gregg Case, Margaret Duniway, Jean Gulovson. I am sorry if I have neglected to mention some equally helpful friend.

Indispensable financial help in meeting necessary expenses incident to the research has been given by the General Research Council of the Oregon State System of Higher Education and is here gratefully acknowledged.

To bring this work within the reasonable limits set by the publishers it has been necessary to omit extended mention of some fairly interesting little papers, and some towns whose papers have not come down to the present are receiving only bare mention. The exclusively literary type of publication is not included in this history of news papers; for the literary publications the reader is referred to Alfred Powers' very valuable and interesting History of Oregon Literature.

Thanks again to all who have helped or wanted to help. I hope the readers will like the book.

George S. Turnbull.

University of Oregon,
Eugene, 1939