Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1194

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  • Revolution, will it be necessary for wom. suff.? 119; women will cause, 139.
  • Right, Suffrage A, proved by Nat'l. Constit'n, xxxii; guaranteed by it, I, 3; 38; 45-6; Rep. Maybury denies, 47; Rep. Poland, 50; 52; Cong. Com. report, 54; Miss Eastman on, 72, 80; Cong. Com. report, 82; Sen. Blair on, 86, 89, 90; Sen. Dolph on, 101-2-5; Sen. Vest denies, 107; Mrs. Gage on, 118; Sen. Blair on, 145; Mr. Foulke on, 167-8; Mrs. Howe on, 170; Mrs. Wallace on, 172; Mrs. Stanton on, 189; Lucy Stone on, 191; Mrs. Catt on, 194; Miss Blackwell on, 197; Miss Reed on, 285; Mr. Garrison on. 305; Miss Anthony on, 325; Mrs. Blake on, 374-5; Chancellor Eliot on, 413; 441-2.
  • School Suffrage, bills vetoed in Calif., xv; experience in N. Y., xv; in Wis., xv; in N. J., xvi; in S. D., xvi; men do not exercise, 198, 541; 212; in Boston, 746; legality in N. Y., 1093; in Great Brit., 1022; in New Zeal., 1025; in Canada, 1034 et seq.; where possessed in U. S., 461. See chapters for these States under Suffrage.
  • Science and wom. suff., Mrs. Gage on, 28; botanical objection, 90.
  • Self-Government best means of selfdevelopment. Mrs. Stanton on, 40.
  • Senators, U. S., favoring wom. suff., 1076.
  • Sermons, Miss Shaw on Heavenly Vision and progress of race, 128; 136; 175; 184; 185; 202; Miss Shaw on Let no man take thy crown, 229; minister in Atlanta opp. wom. suff.. 237; at Atlanta conv., 246-7; 258; dean of Chichester against wom. suff., 320; at conv. of '99, 337; at conv. of 1900, Miss Shaw on Rights of Women, 361; Cardinal Gibbons against against wom. suff., 366.
  • Soldiers, women as, 309-10; wom. produce, 310; efforts to enable to vote, 335; women bear the armbearers, 337. See Military and War.
  • Solitude of Self, address by Mrs. Stanton, 189.
  • South, position of women, 212; 216; speakers, 222; women orators of, 236; 238; its women want suff., 245; illiterate vote in Ga., 246; tour of by nat'l. spkrs., 251; 293; 360; Mrs. Young on progress in, 362; Ala. and Miss. grant property rights to women, 407; 928.
  • South Dakota, failure of Sch. Suff. amend., xvii; xxi; xxix; Nat'l. Ass'n. raises funds for campn., 174; Miss Shaw describes, 182; 183; suff. bill vetoed, 414. See State chapter.
  • Speakers, at Int'l. Council of '88, i36; at Miss Anthony's 70th birthday recep., 163; at 80th birthday recep., 394-5; at nat'l. suff. convs., see respective chapters, beginning p. 14; before Congress'l. Coms., see chapters for even years; at Amer suff. convs., see Chap. XXIV. See State chapters for State speakers. -of House of Representatives favoring wom. suff., 1077.
  • State Chapters, beginning 465.
  • State'S Rights, to grant suff., 50; same, 78; 118; 144; 234.
  • Statistics, of women wage-earners, xxiii, xxx; of public schools, xxx; of foreign vote in Wis., 148; of women physicians, 275, 355; health of women graduates, 355; wages of women, 360, 379; of woman vote in Col., 525; in Ida., 595; in Kas., 660 in Mass., 746; in Ohio, 883; in Utah, 952; in Wash., 412, 967; in Wyo., 1010; in New Zeal., 1026; in S. Australia, 1028; vote on wom. suff. in Kas., 647.
  • Suffrage, Woman,

— Advantages of, 21, 41, 53, 55, 65. 66, 83, 159, 161, 162, 178, 181.

— Advocates, character of, xxxii, 412; debt owed to, 144; are not dreamers, 421; list of, 1075; see debates in Congress, 32 et seq., 85 et seq., 181 et seq.; also various chapters and p. 1075 et seq.

— Bible, for and against. See Bible.

— Bills for. See Bills.

— Campaigns for. See Amendment Campaigns.

— Church, attitude of. See Church.

— Congressional Action. See Congress.