Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/12

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Porto Rico 722
Status of suffrage for men — They demand their own Legislature — National Suffrage Association asks that women may share in the suffrage — Senator Shafroth shows that it can not be put into the Bill — Efforts of Porto Rican women with its Legislature.
Great Britain 726
Situation as to woman suffrage at commencement of the present century — Status of the Bill in Parliament in the first decade — Premier Campbell-Bannerman advises "pestering" — Strong hostility of Premier Asquith — Beginning of "militancy" — Its effect on the suffrage movement — Mrs. Fawcett's opinion — Constitutional societies repudiate it — Labor party supports woman suffrage — Treachery in Parliament — The Conciliation Bill — Women left out of the Franchise Reform Bill — Deputation to Premier Asquith — Lloyd George's attitude — Speaker Lowther kills Bill — Suffragists go into politics — Great suffrage "pilgrimage" — Outbreak of war — Important war work of the suffrage societies — Coalition Government — Conference Committee on Electoral Reform Bill — Premier Asquith supports Woman Suffrage — Lloyd George becomes Premier — Suffrage clause in Bill gets immense majority in House of Commons — Big fight in House of Lords but goes through — Royal assent given — Two women elected to House of Commons — Oxford University opened to women.
Woman Suffrage In British Colonies 752
New Zealand, Australia 752
Canada 753
First Woman Suffrage Society in Ontario — The gaining of Woman Suffrage in Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Efforts of the Women to secure action from the Legislature of each Province — Victory in Ontario after long struggle — War time Woman Suffrage Act of the Dominion Parliament — Granting of complete suffrage in 1918 — — The Legislatures of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia give Provincial suffrage — Quebec refuses — Women of Newfoundland still disfranchised.
South Africa 767
The National Parliament persistently declines to enfranchise women — Their strong efforts for the vote Granted in several of the States — Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, spends several months in South Africa conferring with the women.
India 769