Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/238

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place in the new faith and receive the sanction of the prophet. The poet depicts him as approaching Zarathushtra for this particular purpose. One morning, we are informed, Haoma came to the prophet as he was chanting the sacred Gathas before the fire-altar, and asked him to seek his favour by consecrating the Haoma juice for libations and to praise him as the other sages had praised him.[1] Vivasvant, Yama, and Trita Aptya were the first to sacrifice unto Soma. The Avestan texts speak of the same persons who first offered sacrifices unto Haoma. In reply to Zarathushtra's inquiry Haoma proceeds to give instances of some of the greatest of his celebrants. The first among the mortals to sacrifice unto the angel Haoma by pounding the Haoma plant for libation was Vivanhvant, and the great benefit he derived therefrom was that the glorious Yima was bom unto him.[2] Athwya, Thrita, and Pourushaspa, the father of the prophet himself, were among the other prominent men who sacrificed unto Haoma. Their reward was that illustrious sons were born unto them. Thus Zarathushtra himself was born unto Pourushaspa because the latter praised Haoma.[3] Zarathushtra, the poet says, thereupon paid homage to the angel, and proclaimed his cult as the most praiseworthy.[4]

Haoma's titles. The standing epithet of Haoma is 'far from death.' He is the powerful one, and rules according to his will.[5] He is the lord of knowledge and possesses good wisdom.[6] He is the healing one, beautiful, lordly, and of golden eyes.[7]

His gifts. Zarathushtra invokes Haoma and asks from him intelligence, courage, victory, health, increase, prosperity, vigour of body, and power to rule at will, and to smite the wicked that he may vanquish the evil done by the wicked men and demons.[8] The prophet further prays to him for health of the body, long duration of life, the all-shining abode of the righteous, the realization of his wishes on earth, a complete triumph over the wicked and a foreknowledge of the evil intents of the wicked.[9] Haoma bestows these boons upon him, Haoma in like manner gives knowledge to the aspiring students, husbands to the ripening maidens, beautiful offspring and righteous progeny to women,

  1. Ys. 9. 1, 2.
  2. Ys. 9. 3, 4.
  3. Ys. 9. 6-13.
  4. Ys. 9. 16.
  5. Ys. 9. 25.
  6. Ys. 9. 27; 10. 2.
  7. Yt. 9. 17; 10. 88; 17. 37.
  8. Ys. 9. 17, 18.
  9. Ys. 9. 19-21.