Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/128

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1 14 History of the Radical Party in Parliament. [[807-1815. would then have been proceeded with, but suddenly the whole of Europe was struck with amazement and dismay by the news that Bonaparte had escaped from Elba ; that he had returned to Paris, had been received there as Emperor, and was preparing to recommence the war. Ministers immediately declared their intention to join with their allies in providing for the general and permanent security of Europe. Whitbread opposed the commencement of a new war for the purpose of deciding who should fill the throne of France. Only thirty- two members voted with him, and it was generally felt that it was too late to raise such a question as that. This vital contest once more attracted the attention of the whole of Europe, and no nation had time or inclination to devote to domestic affairs. The struggle was terrible, but brief. It is not within our purpose to trace its course. On the i8th of June it was settled finally Waterloo was won, Bonaparte was powerless, and Europe at last was really at peace.