Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/378

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364 History of the Radical Party in Parliament. [1846- which he afterwards said he had subjected his party. He objected to making property the only basis of the franchise, or to extending it merely in that direction. On the 6th of July the debate was continued, Cobden, Locke King, and Villiers being amongst the supporters, and on a division the resolution was lost, the numbers being for, 84 ; against, 351. This was a larger and more important vote than any which had been given in favour of an extensive scheme of reform for some time past, and was indeed encouraging to the men who had now entered upon the work.* During the session there were some interesting debates on the finances of the country. The Whigs had been, as usual, unfortunate in their management of these affairs, and the

  • The list of the minority gives the first opportunity of judging of the number

and character of the Radical party in the new House of Commons ; the following are the names. It will be seen that Milner Gibson, having now left the Ministry, took his place in the ranks with his old friends. Adair, H. E. Aglionby, H. A. Alcock, T. Anderson, A. Berkeley, Hon. H. F. Berkeley, Hon. G. F. Berkeley, Hon. C. F. Blake, M. J. Blewitt, R. J. Bouverie, Hon. E. P. Bowring, Dr. Bright, J. Brotherton, J. Caulfield, J. M. Clay, J. Cockburn, A. J. E. Collins, W. Cowan, C. Crawford, W. S. Currie, R. Dashwood, G. H. Devereux, J. T. D'Eyncourt, Rt. Hon. C. T Duke, Sir J. Duncan, G. Evans, Sir De L. Evans, J. Ewart, W. Fagan, W. Fox, W. J. Pilkington, J. Freestun, Col. Raphael, A. Gibson, Rt. Hon. T. M. Reynolds, J. Granger, T. C. Ricardo, J. L. Green, J. Roche, E. B. Hall, Sir B. Salwey, Col. Hastie, A. Scholefield, W. Headlam, T. E. Scully, F. Plenry, A. Smith, J. B. Hindley, C. Smythe, Hon. G. Hodges, T. T. Strickland, Sir G. ; Humphry, Aid. Stuart, Lord D. Jackson, W. Sullivan, M. Kershaw, J. Talbot, J. H. King, Hon. P. J. L. Tancred, H. W. Lushington, C. Thompson, Col. MacGregor, J. Thompson, G. Meagher, T. Thornely, T. Marshall, J. G. Trelawney, J. S. Marshall, W. Turner, E. Molesworth, Sir W. Villiers, Hon. C. Mawatt, F. Wakley, T. Muntz, G. F. Wawn, J. T. Nugent, Lord Willcox, B. M. O'Connor, F. Williams, J. Osborne, R. Wilson, M. Pearson, C. Pechell, Capt. Pelo, S. M. Hume, J. } Cobden, R. [ Tdlers '