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What we heard from people familiar with the story was that the Kushner family and their connections were a big attraction for Trump before the marriage and that, you know -- I mean , I don't want to -- I'm trying to be polite about it, but, I mean, there was a business element to the whole, you know, connection. And I will hasten to add that I was not able --

 : One minute.

MR. SIMPSON: -- to confirm any of this, and I didn't share this widely, certainly not in any kind of formal way with anyone.

You know, the Kushners are ethnic Russian and they, we were told, had relationships of their own with Russian capital. And, you know, the exact story I think was that their relationships were with the Russian diaspora in the New York area.

So more broadly speaking, during the ?Os, in the Refusenik era, there was a lot of Russian Jewish immigration to the New York area. And a lot of those people had -- well, I'll just say there was a lot of immigration, and that community is very large, and a Jot of people became very successful and wealthy. And, as I understand it, those are the connections that the Kushners have to outside capital.

MR. CASTRO: Thank you.

BY  :

Q Mr. Simpson, good afternoon. Thank you for being here. I'm   a member of the majority staff.

Switching gears, could you please briefly describe for us Fusion's engagement with the Baker Hostetler law firm In connection with the Prevezon litigation in the Southern District of New York?

A Sure. Baker Hostetler is a big Midwestern Republican-oriented law