Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1099

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m EA RTH pieces played on e 912 3 poetry of e. never dead 603 12 powerful regions under e 365 2 preserves the e. a sphere 433 2 produces nothing worse 393 15 prostrate on e 729 5 • proudly wears the Parthenon. . 40 5 purger of e 566 16 rare bird upon the e 69 20 render back from out 725 20 renounces e. to forfeit 306 22 returns back to the e 360 22 revel of the e 831 8 rise above him, e 179 20 round this opacous e .456 18 sad old e. must borrow its 430 6 savor of the e. to escape 875 8 says to the e 234 2 scarce fledged for e 56 2 scum o' the e 220 19 see the e. o'erwhelm 149 ID shaking with horror 45 4 shall be the e.'s last man 606 14 shall glisten 305 9 shall not perish from the e 332 17 shall surely be complete 455 2 searching on the e 658 12 seemed to walk the e. again . . .367 23 smell to turf of fresh e 530 14 smiles with flowers 321 20 so much of e 924 17 son of Heav'n and e 564 IS sons of e 21 3 sounds my wisdom 257 15 sow'd e. with Orient pearl 529 11 spake with us on e 762 16 speak to the e 779 18 spirit so one. to be 625 17 spreading over the whole e 862 6 spot of e. supremely blest 370 20 spot which men callE 914 25 star of spangled e 314 25 step o'er the wakeninge 747 4 substance of common E 620 4 sweeps onward along the e. . . .688 19 sweetest noise on e 888 6 swept from the e 565 13 takes everything 171 13 than e. bestows on most 98 4 than e. T sea, air 318 6 that covers my body '... .230 3 that e. which kept the world . . 191 10 that lightly covers 231 15 that on the e. doth live 644 25 the bowels of the e 566 17 the e. and everything that's . . .490 9 the e. a stage 914 2 the e. covereth 503 18 the e.'s a thief 786 21 the e. teem'd around me 278 13 the heavens to e 855 19 their privilege on e 711 27 the very e. did shake 845 17 things learned on e 593 7 this ancient e. was young 558 13 this e. of majesty 225 3 thirsty e. soaks 205 6 this is the last of e 163 22 thou bleeding piece of e 534 21 though all the e. is dust 448 6 though fix'd on e 768 20 through e. I'm speeding 571 8 through e.'s dull mist 606 17 through e. sea and air 438 6 throw the e. over him 845 16 till e, and sky stand 101 1 tiptoe e. to look on him 72 7 to e. ashes to ashes 164 19 to e. returns 739 8 to e. some special good 644 25 to me seemed all-sufficient 452 2 took shining station 912 2 to the e. some jewel rare 421 18 to the listening e 525 6 trampled back to shapeless E. . 620 4 tries e. if it be in tune 413 6 trinket at my wrist 917 2 truth crushed to e 818 11 tumult of the e 820 13 two paces of vilest e 21 10 unto e. give back that glow — 326 6 upon e. very noon of night .... 512 19 vile e. to e. resign 190 13 waits for me, my lady E 655 3 EAT

walks, through heav'n and e. . .383 15 walk the e. unseen 745 18 wander e. around 437 12 was beautiful as if new-born . . 699 1 was made so various 830 23 was moulded out of clay 694 7 waste portion of the e 675 8 was the meadow 848 8 watched the Bleeping E 717 12 way from the stars to e 751 18 we come to e. to cry 443 8 were it e. in earthly bed 482 18 were you the e 250 9 what came from the e 360 22 whate'er of e. is form'd 739 8 what region of the e 12 16 what were all e. else 689 2 where e.'s foundations crack. .263 26 which is a mother 179 20 while e. bears a plant 716 6 while late bare e 558 19 whirls and all to prosper 834 12 whole e. is a Bepulchre 259 12 whole e. is the brave man's 586 15 whole e. rings with prayers 425 7 whole huge e. sent to me 408 11 who never sorrowed upon e 429 2 whose table e 306 21 will live by hers 544' 6 will slumber over us 453 22 with all e.'s little pain 388 21 with the genial heat of e 459 7 with thousand voices 624 5 worth the homage of e 722 18 worth the honor of e 920 12 worth the praise of e 722 18 wrong unredressed on e 582 17 ye are the salt of the e 653 4 you fix him to the e ]48 4 young while e. is old 893 22 .Zeus came to E 321 22 Earthbound-still art thou 868 4 Earthen-and e. pot together 42 3 Earthly-all e. things but 325 23 amid these e. damps 360 21 farre exceeds all e. blisse 513 22 flagg'd not in e. strife 388 6 godfathers of heaven's 46 6 immortality 497 2 in the e. tumult, dumb 445 12 lift this e. frame 257 10 naught e. may abide 95 2 nothing e. could surpass 593 15 on this e. sphere ,438 24 power doth then show 510 12 run my e. course 241 23 sum of e. blisB 73 1 tender tie on e. bliss 73 8 throw aside e. bands » . 189 12 Earthquake-gloom of e.and eclipse 577 8 Earthquaking-great e. sunrise. . .769 14 Earthward-should e. fare 210 2 throw them e 19 19 while the sweetling sailed 56 5 Earthware-served up in e 473 1 Earth-worn-his e. spade 337 17 Ease-after warre 669 22 age of e 14 6 and alternate labor 136 2 and speed in doing 910 18 anguish of torturing hour. ... % 6 1 at e. for aye to dwell 601 24 at heart's e. he liv'd 868 19 be never at heart's e 227 11 conquest obtained with e 601 4 consistent with your e 579 10 doctrine of ignoble e 451 7 done with so much e 545 3 elegance of e 53 14 gaily I lived at e 789 9 eightens e. with grace 33 15 in Casey's manner 614 18 it bore, with greater e 777 13 knows, with equal e 896 6 lean and loafe at my e 739 21 live at home at e 549 9 lives at e. that freely lives 294 11 move with light e. in speech. . . 744 19 nights devoid of e 537 22 nor peace heart can know 392 7 not at e. who laughs 429 1 of heart 888 7 one life the aching 364 12 on the dappled turf at e 426 25 | pleasure for to sit at e 567 17 prodigal age of e 444 7 pursuits of inglorious e 757 23 sits still and takes his e 321 8 some in e 436 10 speaks with greater e 460 8 studious of e 757 17 take mine e., in mine inn 395 10 take thine e 737 22 there were no e,, no rest 424 4 to hours of e 371 6 to live at e 622 22 to weep . . . doth e. some deal.735 23 true e. in writing 50 14 weary and ill at e 539 7 what infinite heart's e 92 3 who wrote with e 408 16 with dignify 194 16 with e. we fancy near 883 2 with greater e. than 181 16 with safe disgrace 126 10 woman! in our hours of e 894 10 would recant vows 841 7 you write with e 593 2 Eased-the putting off 172 19 Easer-thou e. of all woes 718 5 Easily-doing e. what others 308 4 how e. things go wrong 921 9 Easiness-a property of e 339 20 but seeming e 741 21 Eastr-and from her native e 456 17 because the hard e. blows 252 12 bow'd low before 140 14 comes dancing from the e 503 10 cometh neither from the e 761 14 dapples the drowsy e 824 18 dark e. unseen 204 7 flecked with flashing 769 6 from golden window of the e.. .529 26 from the e. glad message 161 4 golden progress in the e 720 1 gorgeous E. in fee 831 11 in dark e., expanded high 655 16 isE. and West is "West 101 1 I've wander'd e 475 4 light that in the e 285 18 men look to the e. for 102 l of Himalay 769 14 one foot in thee 616 15 one ship drives E 704 8 rejoicing in the E 769 15 sun from E. to West 767 3 the e. is blossoming 769 4 to the dawn, or west 263 3 touch the e. and light 530 6 tried to hustle the E 115 12 up the E. he springs 766 11 voice of England in E 235 4 wind made flesh 81 is wind's in the e 872 24 wise men came from E 810 16 with his back to the E 898 4 with spots of grey 46 22 your window for the E 427 6 Easter-Jews spend at E 406 21 no sun upon an E. day 286 11 see also Easter pp. 209, 210 Eastern-in e. lands they talk 280 21 question not worth 842 10 wizard made you 1893 19 Easterners-prayer the E. do 627 19 Easter-Sunday-'Twas E 209 18 Eastward-lookin' e. to the sea. . .471 15 thronged e. and westward 535 10 Easy-abstinence is as e. to me. . .784 4 as e. to count atomies as 477 20 can do nothing e 168 6 enough to be prudent 920 12 getting up seems not so e 486 6 how e. his chain 468 8 it is a very e. matter 573 14 no e. way to the stars 751 18 nothing so e 194 13 'tis as e. as lying 486 21 to be true 96 % to performance 194 g warke it ys as e 909 n when you get an e. thing 409 11 Easy-paced-(heise.) this snail... 888 16 Eatr-and drink and scheme 914 is but e. and drink as friends 434 1 cat would e. fish and would 91 13 company with whom you e 125 7 damned if he e... 200 17