Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1377

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Worship-from w.'s gold separate. 770 16 have the w. of the world 686 9 hero-w. exists, has existed 365 16 idols, wood and stone 693 23 making it less a w. than 472 12 may be w. without words 597 13 more w. the rising sun 766 16 of a hero 365 14 of the other gods 403 3 pay no w. to the garish sun 479 20 pious w. of Him 770 19 the gods 665 6,918 8 those who w . dirty gods 866 16 too fair to w 891 17 we must w. its light 861 2 we that w. him, ignoble graves. 106 21 what w. in washing 424 1 whom ye ignorantly w 315 8 with my body I thee w 496 2 see also Worship pp. 918, 919 Worshipped-at shrines 811 4 God not to be w. with 319 26 fathers w. stocks and stones. . .919 1 suspect that I w. the devil .... 864 13 while blooming 680 17 with waxen epitaph 234 8 Worshipper-Life Force w 492 13 nature mourns her w 608 9 Worshippers-dies among his w. . . 818 11 suffer'at more than do thy w.. . 92 4 Worshipping-God through altar.. 881 20 Worships-nature there 547 25 self-made man, w. his creator. .488 20 see also Worship p. 918, 919 Worstr-ahead might be 826 18 action w. which occasions 351 11 do thy w., old Time 799 15 fear makes men believe the w. . 268 20 griefs ended by seeming w 343 18 is not so long as we can say . . . 519 12 is yet to come 109 7 let the w. come to the w. 640 32 men give best advice 10 13 of me is known 667 22 reason with the w 659 12 saves the w. of us 105 11 so much good in the w 97 9 speak something good 630 14 that can befall 474 10 that man can breathe 829 16 that man can feel 518 2 the w. are no worse 387 13 the w. pursue 328 4 things at the w. will cease 191 17 to be better than the w 328 11 when w. things always mend . . 291 3 with her the w. endures 382 17 women, w. and best 896 11 worse unto that is w 519 16 Worb-durch ein gutes W 889 23 JugendmitdemW 906 2 sprichst ein grosses W. 742 7 tuchtigW 82715 Worte-see under Words p. 902-907 Worth-according to thy w 80 10 afflicted w. retire to peace 14 20 approve thy w. the greater. . . .715 4 a thousand men 855 7 beggars that count their w 128 23 believe of his own w 622 25 bore semblance of w. 905 5 conscience of her w. 901 1 courage, honor, these indeed. . . 105 9 crowns the thought of w 316 13 doing at all, w. doing well 185 10 equal in its w. done worthily.. .207 17 fairly w. the seven 698 8 for the total w. of man 468 19 full of w. and goodness 722 9 give w. reward 6 12 gold which is w. gold 325 12 Heaven is w. them all 601 6 hills resound his w. 322 21 honour add not to his w 373 12 inborn w. bis acte commend. . . 100 12 in consummate w, you shine. . .924 8 in the w. and choice 298 15 is warrant for welcome 868 l making life w. while 722 9 man's w. something * 97 19 man w. while is the one 722 18 measur'd by his w 735 16 more that's w. the knowing. . .696 14 most of sterling w 245 14 never be w. a pound 761 7 no more w. than the metal held. 488 16 none w. my strife 232 4 not by innate w 355 17 not w. a gooseberry .. .313 5 not w. our taking 175 6 not w. the bones of Pomeranian.842 10 not w. the wooing 900 12 not w. two peason » 659 3 object w. its constancy 527 17 of the thing given 312 10 paid the w. of our work 907 22 prize not to the w 616 17 promise of celestial w 636 13 purchase of its w 924 18 raise my w. too high 277 2 sad relic of departed w 342 3 seem'd my w. since I began. . .838 26 show me but thy w 92 5 so as to be w. keeping 589 8 sport not w. the candle 746 11 stones of small w 406 1 takes half his w. away 715 22 thing you possess w. more than . 615 19 were it w. one's while 489 9 whose w.'s unknown 390 21 ye little ken their w 273 9 see also Worth pp. 919, 920 Worthier-may a w. son than he . . 229 11 Worthiest-in the land 897 10 Worthiness-bold of your w 433 19 Worthless-such like w. thing .... 786 3 that man is w 267 7 virtue concealed is w 836 1 Worthlessness-from buried w 100 14 Worthy-competition w. a wise.. .490 6 foemen w. of their steel 855 6 I am w. of thy loving 465 7 Ifindtheew. 669 1 labourer is w. of his reward 425 21 men survive reputation 667 19 not w. to carry a buckler 125 IS of a God 10 4 of this noble wife 870 16 one w. man my foe 604 9 the more w. he is 422 19 tobefyled 426 22 see also Worth pp. 919, 920 Wortlein-ein W. kann ihn fallen. 904 21 Wot-not what they are 46 6 Would-could not when they w. , . 872 2 for this w. changes 96 5 good that I w. I do not 240 23 I be where I am not 882 7 not so much as I w 821 1 not what we w. be 191 1 not when he might 571 9 wait upon "I w." i 146 7 we can not, as we w. 646 26 what a man w. do 185 6 Woulders-wishers and w 883 1 Wound-departed this life w. up. .235 11 each w. and scar 846 17 earth felt the w 711 6 ever heal but by degrees 584 13 failing w. thee sore 130 15 feels the fiery w. 594 20 feel th' eternal w. 305 19 felt a stain like aw 108 13 God who sends the w 502 8 gun-shot w. in the breast 729 17 hands that w. are soft 105 20 himastheyfly 583 9 love can cure this w 189 28 no tongue to w. us 352 2 of the w. he made light 609 18 purple with love's w 578 9 secret w. still lives 696 8 shoe has power to w. 706 1 straight w. up anew 344 4 take away grief of a w 374 19 up and set to true time 634 17 up at first 768 3 willing to w 690 11 with a touch that's*scarcely . . . 690 9 see also Wounds p. 920, 921 Wounded-bird that hath but 475 1 dove, w. by thy talons 268 16 hymn of the w 130 2 Liberty has been w. in house . . 438 19 limb shrinks from slightest 268 15 spirit who can bear 746 see also Wounds pp. 920, 921 Wounds-balm to heal their w. . . . 598 10 bind up my w 378 22 by pin-point w 815 20 conceals their oppn w 283 22 discern the w. within 710 27 faithful are the w. of a friend. .299 13 fate never w. more deep 405 1 flies through these w. to 510 10 he w. to cure 103 16 hurts honour than deep w 373 4 into the bleeding lover's w 539 3 kiss dead Gassar's w 336 8 nine miles point blank 502 6 of civil war 850 11 of deadly hate 354 24 of fire are hard to bear 464 17 ofthemind 508 7 over thy w. do I prophesy 534 21 sleep of life closes our w 174 22 that which w. our own 830 9 tickle where she w 144 12 thy epitaph in blood and w — 342 23 wept o'er his w 726 15 with incessant strokes 131 3 with w. unnumber'd riven 725 21 see also Wounds p. 920, 921 Woven-for heaven are w 358 16 which is w. of conviction 255 3 Wrack-blow wind, come w.! 728 2 3 Wraith-life is but a w 628 24 your w. rebukes 199 14 Wrangle-how they w 914 16 jangle and plunder 677 1 Wrangles-wars andw. 294 25 Wrangling-see your w. vain 419 12 Wrap-it up in frankness 753 10 myself in virtue 836 21 their old limbs 562 7 Wrapped-each w. up in his case.. 339 3 in which she w. herself 224 16 Wrapper-in a brown paper w 408 11 open your folded w 124 9 Wrapt-to the eyes in his 554 13 Wrath-a weasel of w. 542 3 bowels full of w 856 16 bruising irons of w 857 2 by weeping we disperse w 782 4 calm, now wild in w 629 18 consume me quite 456 19 day of w. that day of burning . 161 13 divine w. is slow 671 15 grapes of w. are stored 848 6 heat, O, intermit thy w 765 6 hell is the w. of God 362 9 of God for a breeze 704 2 of heaven be great 671 12 of Jove, nor fire nor steel 389 13 of wind and rain 52 17 pardon, not w., is God's best. .289 3 plagues thy w. can send 297 3 slow to w 90 10 soft answer turneth away w... ,743 21 sun go down upon your w 767 18 tears of w. and strife 516 20 when the red w. perisheth. . . . .846 11 wine kindles w 876 21 with uncommon w .811 6 see also Anger pp. 27, 28 Wreath-a rank, a throne 732 18 beauty to forego her w.* 12 22 but thinking of a w. 402 10 fame grudges her best w 258 12 fan with pensile w 463 19 her rosy-tinted w 39 4 is but a w. of thorns 684 21 like the w. of Harmodius 541 10 on murdered Lincoln's bier. . . .459 11 she wore a w. of roses 678 6 simple wild-flower w 280 20 the w.'s of brightest myrtle 280 14 Wreathed-his lithe proboscis 219 6 ivy darkly-w 281 17 Wreaths-endure affliction's 255 25 for each toil 375 12 from fair Valclusa's bowers 43 7 grac'd with w. of victory. ..... 833 10 er braided locks 824 20 with w. of camomile 503 8 Wreck-escapes the w. of worlds. .739 8 escaping w. defying death 265 3 flame that lit battle's w 366 6 from its own w 377 22 in the w. of noble lives 869 21 lay down the w. of power 524 11 till o'er the w., emerging 241 22