Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/645

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barley. Yam: was one of ?he mos? nourishing kinds of food for ?he people. Agni proreefed ?he people and nourished them as yava did (i, 66, 2). Yava was sown wi?h the monsoon. The Adhwaryu rejoiees a? its approaeh, like ya?a al lhe fall of rainJ Wilh yava some prepsralions of eake were made whieh were sweet (?t, 8). Y?w ?so was used as fodder for ?d i? mus? have ?en very use?l for ?e animus, ?nee i? efteel on lhe eaifle is said ? be ?e same as lhe suslenan? given ? man by Indra (?ii, 68, 9). We ?ve laken here ?l lhose insi?ees where may have had ?me s?ei? meaning': Bal ?om s?ve i? ?ll ? s?n ?hs? we shall no? be justified if we ?llempl io res?iel il eilher ? ?rley or io any olher grin iu ?rliedar. Besides lhese ?here are various o?er pass?es in lhe Rig Veda where lhe word y?v? ?o?s ? lhe mosl gener? sense of grain) If we l?k now ? ?he o?her word, dl? whioh ?e?s as ?uenfly as yava we find ?ha? the s?e di?e?ty arises as to the exaet si?ifieanee of

e word, so that the people of the time either 

did not disting?sh one kind of grain ?om the others, or their distinetion is not properly refieeted in their nomenelat?e. The later seems ? be pro- bable, sinee the disfiner words used may be taken ? indiction of the different ?ains known aud eul- ?va?d at the time. D?? in the ?g Veda is. used in the plural, exeept when the adjeetiv? fo?, is used. In more reeent Sanskrit it me?s riee, and ?om its use in several passages in the this m?ning may be attributed to the word. But the di?eulty is that in the later 8amhitas there is ? entirely different word ?,'i?i, whieh s?nds for rieg. Its so e?ly mention 'in the next Samhi?s at the s?e t?e takes it probable tha? riee was kno? I fi, 8, 6; v, ?, 8; ?, ?, 6. I l, lAY, Bl; i, IM, 8; i, 1?6, ?; ?, It, 11; ?, 8, i; ?, ?8, 10.