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Cap. 143A
International Arbitration
1995 Ed.
(b) that the stay be conditional on the provision of equivalent security for the satisfaction of any such award.

(2) Subject to Rules of Court and to any necessary modification, the same law and practice shall apply in relation to property retained in pursuance of an order under this section as would apply if it were held for the purposes of proceedings in the court which made the order.

Authorities specified for purposes of Article 6 of Model Law. 8.—(1) The High Court in Singapore shall be taken to have been specified in Article 6 of the Model Law as courts competent to perform the functions referred to in that Article except for Article 11 (3) and (4) of the Model Law.

(2) The Chairman for the time being of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, or such other person as the Chief Justice may by notification published in the Gazette appoint, shall be taken to have been specified as the authority competent to perform the function under Article 11 (3) and (4) of the Model Law.

Number of arbitrators for purposes of Article 10 (2) of Model Law. 9. Notwithstanding Article 10 (2) of the Model Law, if the number of arbitrators is not determined by the parties, there shall be a single arbitrator.

Appeal under Article 16 (3) of Model Law. 10. Notwithstanding Article 16 (3) of the Model Law, an appeal from a decision of the High Court made under Article 16 (3) of the Model Law shall lie to the Court of Appeal only with the leave of the High Court; and there shall be no appeal against a refusal for grant of such leave.

Public policy and arbitrability. 11.—(1) Any dispute which the parties have agreed to submit to arbitration under an arbitration agreement may be determined by arbitration unless the arbitration agreement is contrary to public policy.

(2) The fact that any written law confers jurisdiction in respect of any matter on any court of law but does not refer to the determination of that matter by arbitration shall not, of itself, indicate that a dispute about that matter is not capable of determination by arbitration.

Powers of arbitral tribunal.

12.—(1) Without prejudice to the powers set out in any other provision of this Act and in the Model Law, an arbitral