Minka. They've bet on ten liters of wine that the enemies of ours will be batted into the ground by force. The banner of free thought will . . . You know . . . What is your judgment?
Lojzka. I shall not judge it. My judgment would not have twisted the outcome. The turnout would not move for an inch in any direction.
Minka. Such apathy!
Geni. And carelessness!
Minka. I state my views – remember my words when the day of judgment arrives. I state our celebration will be sweet. Victory is imminent . . . I trust our people! Furthermore, shall darkness descent onto the homeland of ours . . . Then we will see who knows to handle it. Then we will see who will lower their subordinate pride and who will look ahead and fight to the end, freed through struggle!
Lojzka. Let it not descend on us, and let us not see who stands, who falls!
Geni. Neither do I like to sacrifice myself . . . It's no use!
Komar arrives by road and enters the garden.
Komar. We are victorious!
Minka (stands up). Numbers?
Komar. Not yet! But victory is imminent, it was imminent days ago, a week ago, it's been imminent for a year now! Do fill my glass with wine, Katarina! (Sits down.)
Minka. So you do not doubt it?
Komar. Who doubts? Who dares doubt it? To doubt it is to betray us all . . . I shall crush this glass into their skull! . . .