In the school library. The key exit is on the right side. In the background, unshut doors lead into the principal's cabinet. There is a window on the left, in front of it a workbench and some chairs. The walls are covered with bookshelves.
Komar. (at the desk). If we were to erase all faithless books, and those guided by the devil themselves, only the New Testament remains.
Principal. (from within the office). Do not stop filtering, even if only the Catechism remains.
Hvastja arrives slowly from the right.
Komar. (turns around, nearly jumping, grabs Hvastja's palms).. Comrade Hvastja, how do you do?
Hvastja. How do you think a "clerical", a "caitiff", a "black-suite" does?
Komar. Comrade, let's not be like that! Let's not plan and weigh every word we spit . . . Above us is that, which will weigh our thoughts and hearts when time is right. At the end of the day, what sinful sayings did I utter?
Hvastja. "Cleric," "clergyman!"
Komar. Think about it . . . I was drunk! When drunken ones utter only gossip, they do not mind between the devil and a saint. Furthermore, Cleric is not