Hvastja (bows and leaves the scene).
Komar. Why bother? If they are to make trouble, let them do so. Shall we plead to them, kneeling, not to work on the Sabbath and not to pray to the Devil?
Principal. Ah, dear Komar, think about this . . . Think about how the Father perceived and preserved his Prodigal son!
Komar. Father did greet his prodigal son, but did not search for the latter!
Principal. Dear Komar, you have always been so harsh and pitiless. It certainly fits a true Christian to pray for his brother who wanders blind through and through the whole of Hell. (Lifts a notebook and studies it closely.) I fear not much of this library will remain. (As he takes a step to the bookshelf, Komar follows.) You let Prešeren remain among the authors most sacred?
Komar. Let them remain in God's shade. Prešeren was baptized posthumously . . . Is that not right?
Principal. How come you kept Gregorčič?
Komar. They as well did convert. Quite a miraculous way!
Principal. Aškerc?
Komar. Execrate, exorcise and castigate this vilification in the fireplace! (Launches their works on the floor, kicking.) May their soul whine in ache!
Principal. God forgive—Tavčar . . .
Komar. I did not bother reading their creations . . . It is evident those texts aren't pure Catechism. (Throws his works on the ground aggressively.)
Principal. You did not read it? Did you not supply the books?
Komar. Who? Me?
Principal. Who entered the library, yelling "long live Tavčar!" and in their mindlessness fell onto the floor,