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Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/25

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Komar. (returns from the cabinet). The sin has been contained, Superintend.

Principal. (inspects the room). Tsar's portrait is in place . . . That is all good . . . But this place lacks something holier!

Komar. It was present . . . It was hung under the Tsar's shot, I recall . . . If I am not mistaken.

Principal. "If you are not mistaken," you uttered. There truly was something, and would remain there, was it not in human nature to wander in darkness . . .

Komar. Wandering in darkness . . .

Principal (leaves.)

Komar (observing the Principal leaving the place.) He would betray his very Brother, delate counter to his Father and drop the dime on his Mother.

Principal. (returns to the scene, carrying a tiny crucifix). The screw holds on, though a little oxidized. (Takes a step to the wall.) And the hole remains as well. (Sticks the crucifix into the wall.) Many years have passed since we had come to the decision, blinded by the Devil, to . . .

Komar. (flutters with his arm). Forget it!

Principal. Komar, you especially chanted as though you were an Anti-Christ!

Komar. And then you picked me up for dinner.

Principal. (flutters with his arm). Forget it!—

Lojzka and Geni arrive from the right. Both covered by tears of joy.

Geni. I am all for it, let us divulge our sins. I bought myself a bible!

Lojzka. And he who lowers their sight in redemption . . . Let us burn their sins away through ache and smother!

Principal. I do not condone how laughable you are in the epoch so serious.