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Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/28

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Komar. That was on my mind! God knows whether his suit is truly black. Who crawls silently and builds through loneliness and privacy . . . Where will they crawl and what will they build?

Hvastja enters from the right.

Principal. Dear Hvastja!

Komar. What did he say?

Hvastja. He said he would come.

Komar. He will come?

Hvastja. He said he would come to see which of you will finalize the crazier stunt.

Komar. What?

Hvastja. He explained such aerobics are widespread nowadays – cross and cross our sacred homeland.

Principal. What meaning do his chants carry? Is it a comedy or a congratulation?

Geni. (With a smile.) It's envy. For they cannot stunt, they will blame all others.

Komar. Sets a finger on his own lips. Don't you hear? Don't you know the steps?

(All present go silent and enter a stand pose. Komar closes in to the door; that is followed by a brief pause. Komar opens the doors wide and conducts a deep bow.)

Pastor. Let us thank our Lord and Christ!

Everyone. For eternity, amen!

Principal. Senior Pastor, the cabinet of teachers greets you with pride: greets the representatives of the Church,