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Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/45

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to hero myself... I wouldn't open up my sorrow heart to many . . . But your eyes are so clear . . . I am not ashamed before you . . . As though if one was to pass a mirror . . . (The Sun has been setting as they were talking.) I confess my sadness and carelessness to you and . . . (Silently.) . . . And I confess how suffering scares me . . .

Komar. (Under the window, with the voice of a drunk man.) Two little pigeons, let the Lord bless you! (Jerman takes a swift step to the window; the doors open and drunk Komar shows up.) What do my eyes report? (Komar stretches his arms as though he was expecting a hug.) You are into each other as I am into you both.

Jerman. Leave, drunkard, split from this place!

Komar. Do not resent – and goodbye! (Limps to and through the door, turns back to Jerman, blocking the door.) What would comrade Hvastja comment? You will conduct penance for this drunkard, true penance! (Leaves.)

Lojzka. It did seem as though I had an escort.

Jerman. (Steps to the workbench, turning on the lamp.) You think they are a straw-man, and in fact they are a genius. He has come to realize how the overlord no-when has redemption for their loyal, though unpleasant, serf. He could easily work in a church, preaching and pardoning.

Lojzka. (Walks to the chair and puts their collar on.) Do not blame me for I am only a messenger . . .

Jerman. You delivered pure comfort. Thank you! (Escorts her to the door-frame.) It seems you are much closer to me now . . . It seems I can look you in the eyes now . . . I like this because we are lonely in this . . . Alone among living people!