flies here? Damn black flies! Are you afraid of them? Are you a coward? You are a man – a man of pride and honor! (Takes own hat off.) Sir.. I . . . See . . . I ran out of food . . . It ran out for supper . . . Happens to anyone . . .
Jerman. (Reaching for coppers in his pockets.) Take it and go home; you must be drowsy.
Pisek. It could happen to any of us . . . (Sees the pastor, takes a look, points at them with a hat.) Ha, ha! Black suit; within it a black man! Am I to give him a lecture or two? This fubsy podgy roley-poley pork! (Stretches arms aggressively.) Ew!
Jerman. (Grabs Pisek by the arm.) Have a good night! (Opens the door.)
Pisek. (Exiting through the door.) Do not bother . . . Happens to anyone! (Leaves.)
Jerman. (Returns to the pastor.) Has any-one cleaned up for themselves?
Pastor. M-hmm . . . (Stands up.) You are gone converting serfs into human beings. This path is harsh and it is uneven; you will not come to finish it. Nobody has.
Jerman. If I do not get till the end, I will have struggled square.
Pastor. When your fuel runs out and you will be taking a rest on the last rock by the road, remember how distorted I felt when we were voicing our goodbyes.
Jerman. I shall remember.
Pastor. Remember how I warned you; tomorrow will come soon.
Jerman. Let it be as it has been called for.
Pastor. Let it be so! (They both bow slightly. Jerman stands calmly as the priest leaves.)