Page:Jean Webster--Much ado about Peter.djvu/55

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Ivery siparate scale o' that blue fish did I take off wit' me own hands, an' not a word o' thanks do I get. I slaves for those two min till me fingers is worn to the bone, an' not a sign do they give; but just let the meat be too done, or the bottles not cold, an' then I hears quick enough! 'Tis the way wit' min; they're an ungrateful set. Ye can work an' work till ye 're like to drop, an' they swallows it all an' niver blinks. It ud be different if there was a woman around. I 've often wished as Mr. Harry had a wife like Miss Ethel, so smilin' an' pretty 'tis a pleasure to watch her. Oh, an' I would n't mind workin' a little extra now an' then for her—but five courses an' no one but me to do the dishes! It's goin' I am. I 'll give notice to-night."

Ellen broke down and wept into her apron while Annie attempted some feeble consolation.

"I 've worked there thirteen years!" Ellen sobbed. "Since before Mrs. Jasper died, when