Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies II back matter.djvu/47

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��"Williams, Anna Zenobia, Count.

��ii. 436; JOHNSON'S antics, ii. 273; house, inmate of, i. 401-3; ii. 115, 119, 259 ., 411 .; leaves it, i. 416; returns, i. 420; takes tea with her, ii. 326, 333 ; Miscellanies, i. 403 ; ii. 172, 279 . ; purity, ii. 438 ; visits Percy, ii. 440 ; mentioned, i. 30, 106, 205 ., 391 n. ; ii. 129, 188, 298 .,

44 2 453-

V/ILLIAMS, Rev. , ii. 405.

WILLIAMS, Zachariah, i. 401.

WILLS, ii. 124^.

WILLYMOT, , i. 137.

WINDHAM, Right Hon. William, cancel in Life of Johnson, ii. 34 n. ; character, ii. 382 n.; Diary, ii. 382-8; Essex Head Club, ii. 221 ; Johnson's death, ii. 157 ., 158, 382-88 ; Literary Club, ii. 25^., 32 ; Malone's Shakespeare, ii- 24 ; 'pretty rascal,' ii. 258/2.; mentioned, i. 106, 303 ., 416 n. ; ii. 24, 36 n.

WINE, i. 321, 371 .; ii. 44, 322, 333- See under JOHNSON.

WlNSOR, Justin, LL.D., i. 402 n.

WINSTANLEY, Rev. Mr., ii. 204.

Winter's Walk, ii. 359 n.

WIT, i. 1 75 n.

W r iVES, caprices, i. 250; 'honey- suckle,' i. 264; choice of one, i. 314; ii. 309; learned, ii. n.

WOFFINGTON, Margaret (Peg),ii. 239.

WOMEN, affecting learning, ii. 17; amusements, i. 328; delight in sur prising, i. 326 ; integrity, i. 327 ; men desire to be liked by them, ii. 143, 326 ; more genteel than men, ii. 243 n. ; Papists, i. n6. ; pecuniary favours, i. 326 ; silence, ii. 303.

WOOD, Antony a, ii. 35 n.

��WOOD, Robert, i. 213.

WOODHOUSE, , i. 232. WORDSWORTH, William, birth, contem porary of Johnson, i. 150 n. Dryden's night, i. 187 n. ; Percy's Reliques, i. 192 n. ; metaphysical poets, i. 477 n. ; Scotch historians, ii. ion.; anticipated by Warton, ii. 13 n. ; Epistle to Beau mont, ii. 233.

WORLD, wickedness exaggerated, i. 208, 262; 'the world,' i. 253; natural de pravity, i. 207, 268, 328; its judge ments, i. 315 ; ii. 143 ; where studied, i. 324; well- constructed, i. 327; hap piness, i. 334. See also under LIFE.

World, The, ii. 349, 351.

WORTLEY, Lady Mary, i. 319 ; ii. 175.

WOTY, , i. 176 n.

WRAXALL, Sir Nathaniel, Amelia, i. 297 n. ; Blue Stockings, ii. 59 n. ; Dr. Dodd, ii. 283 n. ; Mrs. Montagu, ii. 422.

WRIGHT, Richard, i. 125.

WRIGHT, , i. 112.

WRITING FOR MONEY, i. 181 ; ii. 73, 90.

WYNNE, Sir Thomas and Lady, i. 264 n.


XENOPHONji. 112, 162, 184.


YONGE, Sir William, i. 463. YORKE, Sir Joseph, ii. 420 n. YOUNG, Arthur, i. 150 ., 217*.. 302 n. YOUNG, Rev. Edward, D.C.L., i. 84 n., 186, 258, 344 w.; ii. 95 ., 368.

��ZENOBIA, Count, ii. 158.

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