Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/219

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CAPE ALGM. 197 kowiensis Schm. MS., and as through the kindness of Mr. Holmes I have been enabled to see the type specimen of Microccelia kaly- menioides and compare it with the plant of Hymenocladia in the British Museum on which Prof. Schmitz founded his opinion, I am compelled to differ from Mr. Holmes in his decision. It is possible that further material may enable me to agree in the distinctness of the two plants. Rhodymenia capensis J. Ag. Walfisch Bay, Cleverly ! Port Alfred, ^'ki;^ I Kowie, Becker Flanaganl IsiT^ingo t Weber van Bossel Epymenia ohtusa J. Ag. Walfisch Bay, Cleverly ! Plocamium rigidum Bory. Kowie, Becker ! P. glomeratum J. Ag. Table Bay, Tyso7i ! False Bay, Home ! P. nobile J. Ag. Kowie, Becker ! Natal, Evans I Desmia tripinnata J. Ag. British Kafifraria, Flanagan ! Natal, Weber van Basse I Rhodophyllis capensis Kiitz. Cape Point, Boodle ! False Bay, McMillan ! British Kaffraria, Danvers ! Flanagan Peyssonelia replicata Kiitz. Kowie, Becker ! Cape Morgan, Danvers ! P. majus Kiitz. Knysna, Newdigate I Port Elizabeth, Farguhar ! Port Alfred, Crozier ! Kowie, Becker I Port Natal, Gueinzius ! P. squamaria Dene. Natal, Krauss^ Gueinzius. I have not seen a specimen of this plant from South Africa, and much doubt if these records are correct. Tyleiophora Beckeri J. Ag. Algoa Bay, West I British Kafifraria, Flanagan I Kowie, Tobias ! Phacelocaepus epipol^us Holmes. Port Alfred, Slavin ! Kowie, Becker I Gracilaria confervoides J. Ag. Table Bay, Ross ! Sarcodia capensis J. Ag. Kowie, Becker 1 Calliblephans Jimbriata J . kg. Kowie, Tobias ! Beckeri Heringia mirabilis J. Ag. Kowie, Becker ! Holmesia capensis J. Ag. Port Alfred, Slavin ! Carr ! Kowie, Becker ! Cape Morgan, Flanagan ! Nitophyllum p>latycarpum J. Ag. Port Nolloth, Nightingale ! N. venosum Harv. (= N. capense Harv. MS.). Walfisch Bay, Cleverly I N. maculaium Sond. Kowie, Becker ! Caloglossa Leprieurii Harv. Kei Mouth, Flanagan ! Durban, Weber van Bosse ! Scinaia salicornioides J. Ag. Kowie, Beckeri Cape Morgan, Danvers ! ChcBtangium ornatum J. Ag. Kei Mouth, Flanagan ! Ptilophora spissa J. Ag. Kei Mouth, Flanaganl This plant was wrongly recorded under Polyphacum Smithice Harv., which does not occur at the Cape, so far as is known. Ptilophora pinnatifida J. Ag. Natal, Ruperti ! Kowie, Becker ! Prof. Schmitz pronounces this plant to be a species of Gelidium