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(2) Where the emphasis is laid in teaching domestic science:


(3) Domestic science in the upper grades: 542.

1 Industrial schools in relation to manual training: 924.


a. The primary purpose of music teaching in school: 1286.

b. Means of accomplishing the purpose: 1286.

(1) Experience: imitative singing.

(2) Classification of ideas and application of musical ideas:

sight singing.

(3) Use of concrete ideas in musical composition.

(4) Use of musical instruments.

Co Method in the first phase of music teaching.

(1) Accurate imitation of what is heard and holding it in mem-

ory: 1286.

(2) Classification of ideas: 1287.

(a) Ideas dealing with interpretation of music.

(b) Ideas dealing with structure.

(c) What is taught under each.

(3) The main difficulty in forming general musical ideas: 1287.

(4) Importance of doing what is observed: 1287.

(5) How to clarify ideas obtained.

(a) Various devices.

d. Method in the second and third phases.

(1) How the process in the second phase is the reverse of that

in the first: 1287.

(2) The development of ability to conceive of and reproduce

motives: 1288.

(a) Value of instrumental music here.

(b) Need of careful guidance of pupils.

(c) Use of pianola and similar instruments.

e. General assemblies and festivals in teaching of music.

(See article on The School-Song, 1692.)

(1) Occasions for festivals.

(2) Festivals as furnishing motives for music work.

(3) Combination of music and the drama in the festival.

f. Musical Notation: 1288.

(a) Art of representing tones by printed characters. (1) Structural Ideas:

(a) Pulse-grouping: 1289.

(b) Tone-duration: 1289.

(c) Pitch-representation: 1290.

(d) Key-signature: 1290.

(e) How indicated in written music: 1290. g. Harmony.

(1) Chord: 838.

(2) Tonality: 839.

(3) Melody: 840.

(4) Key: 840.

(5) Scale: 840. h. Form in Music.

(1) Mode of expression: 694.

(a) Vocal and instrumental.

(b) Choral and orchestral.

(2) Function: 694.

(a) Secular.

(b) Ecclesiastical.

(c) Religious.

(3) Character: 694.

(a) Lyric.

(b) Dramatic.

(c) Programatic.

(4) Structural ordering: 694.