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(5) Melodic material: 694.

(6) Illustrative examples: 695, 696. i. Religious Music: 1284.

(1) Essential characteristics: 1285.

(2) Importance of association: 1285.

(3) Why secular music is inappropriate for religious use: 1286.

(4) Type of effective religious music: 1286.

(a) Long used for religious purposes.

(b) Employing form not adapted to secular use.

(c) Effective musically. J. School Song:

(1) Importance of careful selection: 1692.

(2) Imitative and dramatic period: 1692.

(a) Model selections, with suggestions for teaching: 1693.

(b) First step: 1693.

(c) Advanced step: 1693.

(d) Teaching points to gain expressive use of song: 1693.

(3) Investigative period: 1694.

(a) First step; use of descriptive songs.

(b) Illustrations.

(c) Advanced step; songs to promote sight-singing.

(d) Illustrations.

(4) Constructive period: 1694.

(a) Work in upper grades.

(b) First step.

(c) Advanced step.

(d) Illustration.

(5) Work in High School: 1695.

(a) Difficulties and how to meet them; chorus work.

(b) Appropriate selections.

, (6) General assemblies and festivals: 1695.

(a) Festivals.

(b) Suggestions for this class of work, k. Musical Tones: 8.

(1) The musical scale: 9.

7. 'METHOD IN THE TEACHING OF NATURE STUDY: a. Nature Study as a school subject: 1307.

(1) What nature study includes.

(See outline on Nature Study in "The Student's Manual.")

(2) Basis of nature study in interests and activities of children.

(3) Importance of nature study in early school years.

(4) Relation of nature study to school science.

(a) Function of nature study as an introduction to sci-


(b) How nature study gradually differentiates in the up-

per grades and high school into geography, botany, physics, etc.: 1308. ft. Purposes In teaching the subject: 1308.

(1) Development of perceptive faculties, observation, under-

standing, memory, judgment and language.

(2) Development of genuine love of nature.

(3) Extend the child's range of experience. €. The material to be used: 1308.

(1) Principles involved in selection.

(2) Materials for study in early grades according to season of

the year.

d. The key to method: 1309.

(1) Emphasis on function.

(2) Continual use of problems both in beginning and continu-

ing study.

e. Utilization of vacation experiences of children: 1308.

(1) Subjects for study and discussion.