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Ixcaquixtla, Mexico: 951

Ixion (myth.): 951

Ixtapalapa, Mexico: 951

Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alba: 951

Iyemitsu, Shogun: 1351

Iyeyasu: 1351, 1920

Izalco, Mount: 951, 1668

Izard, Ralph: 951

Izdubar (myth.): 1081

Iztaccihuatl, Mount: 951


J: 952

Jabesh Gilead: 1683

Jackal: 952

Jackdaw: 952

Jack-in-the-Pulpit: 2033

Jack-o’-Lantern: 915

Jackson, Andrew: 952

Jackson, Day: 952

Jackson, Helen Hunt (Saxe Holm): 953

Jackson, Mich: 953

Jackson, Miss: 953

Jackson, Tenn: 953

Jackson, Thomas Jonathan: 954, 728, 366

Jacksonville, Fla: 954

Jacksonville, Ill: 954

Jacob: 955, 971

Jacobins: 955, 717, 769

Jacquard, Joseph Marie: 955

Jade: 955

Jael: 512

Jaffa, Syria: 955

Jagello of Poland: 1101

Jaguar: 955

Jaipur, India: 956

Jalap, 1602

Jamaica: 956, 2070

James, Edmund J: 956

James, Henry: 958, 1097

James, William: 958, 15, 124, 653, 1720

James the Great (Apostle): 956

James I of England: 956, 6, 617, 1584, 1757

James II of England: 957, 75, 617, 937, 968, 1173, 1446, 2086

James I of Scotland: 1708

James II of Scotland: 1708

James III of Scotland: 957, 1394, 1708

James IV of Scotland: 957, 683, 1708

James V of Scotland: 1708

James VI of Scotland (James I of England): 956, 6, 617, 1009, 1394, 1584, 1708, 1757

James VII of Scotland (James II of England): 957, 617, 937, 968, 1173, 1446, 2086

James Milliken University, Decatur, Ill: 512

James River: 958

Jameson, Leander Starr: 958, 980

Jamestown Exposition: 959

Jamestown, N. Y: 959

Jamestown, Va: 959, 1770

Janauschek, Fanny: 959

Janesville, Wis: 960

Janizaries: 960, 1720, 1726

January: 960

Janus (myth.): 960

Japan: 960; art 665; constitution 963; daimios 962; earthquake 575; education 964; improvements 964; samurai 962; shogun 962

Japan, Mutsuhito, Emperor of: 1292

Japan Current: 1370, 1407

Jarnac, Battle of: 965

Jarvis, John Wesley: 965

Jasmine: 965

Jason (myth.): 965, 95

Jasper: 965

Jasper, William: 965

Jassy, Moldavia: 965

Java: 966, 1130

Jay (bird): 966

Jay, John: 966, 1766

Jean Paul (Richter): 1612, 1088

Jeannette Expedition: 518

Jebus, City of.   See David

Jebusites: 1039

Jefferson City, Mo: 966

Jefferson Fort: 556

Jefferson, Joseph: 967, 1617

Jefferson, Thomas: 967, 11, 1093, 1980

Jeffersonville, Ind: 968

Jeffreys, Lord George: 968, 957

Jehan, Shah: 1372

Jehoshaphat: 116

Jehoiakim: 969

Jehu: 968

Jellyfish: 968

Jena, Battle of: 969, 1301

Jena University: 969

Jenner, Edward: 969, 1997

Jephthah: 969, 1742

Jeremiah: 969

Jericho, Palestine: 969

Jerome, William Travers: 969

Jerome, Saint: 970, 1762, 2030

Jersey, Isle of: 366

Jersey City, N. J: 970

Jerusalem, Palestine: 970; capture 507, 972, 1745, 1917; crusades 483, 776, 1116, 1459, 1610; rebuilding 1319

Jesuits: 408, 714, 1122, 1430, 1598, 1219, 2117

Jet: 971

Jethro: 1222

Jette, Sir Louis: 971

Jetty: 971

Jew, The Wandering (myth.) : 2040

Jewry Wall: 1050

Jewett, Sarah Orne: 971

Jews: 971, 875, 970, 1470, 1669; ceremonies 1992; fasts 650; festivals 455, 1427; literature 1081; Maccabees 1131,