Page:Letters of John Andrews.djvu/85

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since the troops were all arriVd, he would not regard their prayer, as he was determin'd to make an example of him. It was debated in a council of officers, but over rul'd, that he should be hung in chains upon the gallows in terrorem.

December 25th. The Packet lias broughl credentials thai dub Wil- liam Pepperell a Night, for his steady adherence to the Government side in not resigning his Councellorship — a bauble he has been seeking after a long time, and could not procure it when at home, because uol worth an estate of three thousand a year — the most he could presume upon being seven hundred. But it seems that will come vastly short now, as they have, in great part, put the threat-, in the inclos'd scrap of News paper, in execution; and would have done the whole bul the leases are not all expir'd as yet.

December 26th. Am not at all surpris'd that provisions arc so very deal- amongs, considering the great number of additional mouths there is to feed. Am told that the contractors for the Navy alone, engage for a Tun weight of Mutton every day.

December 28th. Last Evening a soldier, who [was] plac'd centinel on the Long wharfe, in assisting to get a drunken sailor out of tin- Dock, unfortunately got in himself, and the sailor not being abb' to afford him any assistance, he was finally drown'd and his body taken up this morning.

December oOth. The Marines, consisting of about five hundred men, landed this forenoon and have gone into barracks at the extreme part of the North End, by much the fittest place for them, as I am told they are ten times more dissolute (if possible) than the marching regiments — partaking of the extreem ill qualities of a soldier as well as that of a man-of-war's-man.

December 31st. The Soldiers are much discontented upon account of the man who was shot for desertion, as they say if the General bad a right to send his body to the grave, he bad no right to send his soul to the Devil, for he had his death warrant but eleven hours before he was executed.

January the ist, 1775. With wishing you a happy new year. Bill, I must add my wishes that we may have a less troublesome year than the last, and that Great Britain may see her error in distressing the Colonies, and restore to them their just rights and liberties: that we may once more see that harmony prevail which formerly us'd to subsist between them.

January 2nd. This afternoon, an Officer of the 10th Regiment, one

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