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I N D E X.

Villequier. (Duke of) Dies in the Flower of his Youth, p. 81.

Voiture. Judgment on that Author, p. 204, 205.


Waller (Mr.) an Engliſh Poet. His Character and Elogium, p. 204. Tranſlation of Part of his Poem on Cromwell's Death, p. 206. His ingenious Reply to Charles II, p. 208.

Wallis. (Dr.) His Progreſs in Infinites, p. 152.

Warbeck (Perkin) a famous Impoſtor in the Reign of Henry VII.

Welling (Count of) the Swediſh General, forms a Reſolution to burn Altena, p. 246.

Whigs. A conſiderable Party in England, opponents of the Tories, p. 36.

Whiston (Mr.) His Notion with regard to the Deluge, p. 135.

Wycherley (Mr.) Author of ſeveral excellent Comedies. A great Imitator of Moliere, particularly in his Plain-Dealer, p. 182. Plot of that Comedy, and of another entitled the Country Wife, p. 183, 186. This Poet in great Favour with the celebrated Miſtreſs of Charles II, p. 182.


PAGE 36. Line 16. for abridging it, read abridging its Power. p. 39. l. 1. f. at a Time of Life, r. in an Age. ib. l. 22. f. ſable mix'd kind of mortal, r. mix'd Being. p. 47. l. 12. dele handſome and. p. 64. l. 23. f. the, r. that. p. 72. l. 12. f. need not, r. cannot. p. 97. l. 14. r. Des Cartes born not, to diſcover the Errors of Antiquity, but to ſubſtitute his own in the Room of them. p. 103. l. 12. before what, put of. p. 117. l. 7. f. new, r. two. p. 145 l. 12. before white, put the. p. 177. l. 24. f. gleam, r. gloom. p. 247. l. 6. before the Journal, put the reſt of the Journal.