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pilgrimage, which shall be published by the Board of Health of Constantinople in accordance with the principles enounced in the present Convention.

Art. 91. A vessel which does not embark a greater proportion of pilgrims of the lowest class than one per hundred tons' gross burden, in addition to its ordinary passengers (among whom pilgrims of the higher classes may be included), shall not be considered as a pilgrim ship.

Art. 92. Every pilgrim ship, upon entering the Red Sea or the Persian Gulf, must conform to the provisions contained in the special regulations applicable to the Hedjaz pilgrimage, which shall be published by the Board of Health of Constantinople in accordance with the principles set forth in the present convention.

Art. 93. The captain shall be obliged to pay all the sanitary taxes collectible from the pilgrims, which shall be comprised in the price of the ticket.

Art. 94. As far as possible, the pilgrims who land or embark at the sanitary stations should not come in contact with one another at the points of debarkation.

After landing their pilgrims, the vessels shall change their anchorage in order to reembark them.

The pilgrims who are landed shall be sent to the encampment in as small groups as possible.

They must be furnished with good drinking water, whether it is found on the spot or obtained by distillation.

Art. 95. When there is plague or cholera in Hedjaz, the provisions carried by the pilgrims shall be destroyed if the health authority deems it necessary.

Chapter II. Pilgrim ships—Sanitary arrangements


Art. 96. The vessel must be able to lodge pilgrims between decks.

Outside of the crew, the vessel shall furnish to every individual whatever be his age, a surface of 1.5 square meters (16 English square feet) with a height between decks of about 1.8 meters.

On vessels engaged in coasting trade each pilgrim shall have at his disposal a space of at least 2 meters wide along the gunwales of the vessel.

Art. 97. On each side of the vessel, on deck, there shall be reserved a place screened from view and provided with a hand pump so as to furnish sea water for the needs of the pilgrims. One such place shall be reserved exclusively for women.

Art. 98. In addition to the water-closets for the use of the crew, the vessel shall be provided with latrines flushed with water or provided with a stop cock, in the proportion of at least one latrine for every 100 persons embarked.

There shall be latrines reserved exclusively for women.