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of plague or cholera. In case of yellow fever the period should be six days.

Article XLI. Governments may reserve to themselves the right to take particular measures in regard to certain classes of persons, notably vagabonds, emigrants and persons traveling or passing the frontier in bands.

Article XLII. Coaches intended for the transportation of passengers and mails should not be retained at frontiers.

In order to avoid this retention a system of relays ought to be established at frontiers, with transfer of passengers, baggage and mails. If one of these carriages be infected or shall have been occupied by a person suffering from plague, cholera or yellow fever, it shall be detached from the train for disinfection at the earliest possible moment.

Article XLIII. Measures concerning the passing of frontiers by the personnel of railroads and of the Post Office are a matter for agreement of the sanitary authorities concerned. These measures should be so arranged as not to hinder the service.

Article XLIV. The regulation of frontier traffic, as well as the adoption of exceptional measures of surveillance should be left to special arrangement between contiguous countries.

Article XLV. The power rests with governments of countries bordering upon rivers to regulate by special arrangement the sanitary regime of river routes.

Articles Relating to Yellow Fever

Article XLVI. Ships infected with yellow fever are to be subjected to the following regulations:

  • 1. Medical visit (Inspection).
  • 2. The sick are to be immediately disembarked protected by netting against the access of mosquitoes and transferred to the place of isolation in an ambulance or a litter similarly screened.
  • 3. Other persons should also be disembarked if possible, and subjected to an observation of six days, dating from the day of arrival.
  • 4. In the place set apart for observation, there shall be screened apartments or cages where anyone presenting an elevation of temperature above 37.6 degrees Centigrade shall be screened until he may be carried in the manner indicated above to the place of isolation.
  • 5. The ship shall be moored at least two hundred metres from the inhabited shore.
  • 6. The ship shall be fumigated for the destruction of mosquitoes before the discharge of cargo, if possible. If a fumigation be not possible before the discharge of the cargo, the health authorities shall order, either
  • (a) The employment of immune persons for discharging the cargo, or
  • (b) If non-immunes be employed they shall be kept under observation during the discharging of cargo and for six days, to date from the last day of exposure on board.