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Moorish ports being fixed by treaties with certain powers, the said powers are disposed to consent to a revision of such dues.

The Diplomatic Body at Tangier is therefore charged to effect an agreement with the Maghzen on the terms of such revision, which can not, however, take place until after the improvement of the ports.

Art. 71. The customs storage dues shall be collected in all Moorish ports where there are adequate warehouses, in conformity to the regulations existing or to be adopted in regard thereto by the Government of His Shereefian Majesty in accord with the Diplomatic Body at Tangier.

Art. 72. Opium and kiff will continue to be a monopoly of the Shereefian Government. The importation of opium specially intended for medicinal purposes will, however, be allowed by special permit issued by the Maghzen at the request of the legation, the physician, or apothecary importing the same. The Shereefian Government and the Diplomatic Body shall jointly determine the maximum quantity which may be thus introduced.

Art. 73. The representatives of the powers take note of the Shereefian Government's intention to extend to tobacco of all kinds the monopoly existing in the case of snuff. They reserve the right of their citizens, subjects, and protégés to be duly indemnified for damages which the said monopoly may cause such of them as carry on a tobacco business established under the present system. In case no amicable agreement shall be reached, the damages shall be fixed by experts designated by the Maghzen and the Diplomatic Body, in conformity with the provisions governing expropriation for public purposes.

Art. 74. The principle of awarding contracts on bids without preference of nationality shall be applied to the farming of the monopoly of opium and kiff. The same rule would apply to the tobacco monopoly, if created.

Art. 75. If the occasion should arise to modify any of the provisions of this declaration, the Maghzen and the Diplomatic Body at Tangier shall reach an understanding on this point.

Art. 76. In all the cases provided for by the present declaration where the Diplomatic Body shall be called upon to intervene, except in what concerns articles 64, 70, and 75, the decision shall be reached by a majority of the votes.

Chapter V

A regulation concerning the customs of the Empire and the repression of fraud and smuggling

Art. 77. Every captain of a merchantman coming from a foreign or a Moorish port shall, within twenty-four hours after having been granted free pratique in any of the ports of the Empire, deposit at the customs an exact copy of his manifest, signed by him and certified to by the vessel's consignee.