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Article 8

The working of the wireless telegraph stations shall be organized as far as possible in such manner as not to disturb the service of other wireless stations.

Article 9

Wireless telegraph stations are bound to give absolute priority to calls of distress from ships, to similarly answer such calls and to take such action with regard thereto as may be required.

Article 10

The total charge for wireless telegrams shall comprise:

1. The charge for the maritime transmission, that is:

(a) The coastal rate, which shall fall to the coastal station;

(b) The shipboard rate, which shall fall to the shipboard station.

2. The charge for transmission over the lines of the telegraph system, to be computed according to the general regulations.

The coastal rate shall be subject to the approval of the Government of which the coastal station is dependent, and the shipboard rate to the approval of the Government whose flag the ship is flying.

Each of these rates shall be fixed in accordance with the tariff per word, pure and simple, with an optional minimum rate per wireless telegram, on the basis of an equitable remuneration for the wireless work. Neither rate shall exceed a maximum to be fixed by the High Contracting Parties.

However, each of the High Contracting Parties shall be at liberty to authorize higher rates than such maximum in the case of stations of ranges exceeding 800 km. or of stations whose work is exceptionally difficult owing to physical conditions in connection with the installation or working of the same.

For wireless telegrams proceeding from or destined for a country and exchanged directly with the coastal stations of such country, the High Contracting Parties shall advise one another of the rates applicable to the transmission over the lines of their telegraph system. Such rates shall be those resulting from the principle that the coastal station is to be considered as the station of origin or of destination.

Article 11

The provisions of the present Convention are supplemented by Regulations, which shall have the same force and go into effect at the same time as the Convention.

The provisions of the present Convention and of the Regulations relating thereto may at any time be modified by the High Contracting Parties by