Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/20

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��Mntian, C, lo, 13, 205, 259, 272.

Myconios, O., 244» 325. 338.

Narr, Qaus (108).

Nassau, H., 341, 357.

Nathin. J. (7).

Nesen, W^ 213.

Neustadt, Augustinian Convent of, 17.

Noviomagus, G., 294.

Oecolampadius, J., 163, 257.

Pace, R. (49), 446.

Palatinate, Frederic, Count of the Rhenish (441).

Palatinate, Wolfgang, Count of the Rhenish, 58.

Palenda, P. R. de la Mota, Bishop of (407).

Paltz, J. V. (7).

Pappenheim, J. v. (467}.

Pappenheim, U. v. (449).

Paris, University of, 180^ 334.

Pucha, Dr. (242}.

Pdican, C. (254), 408.

PeUigrini, F. de, 404.

Peter (441).

Petri, A. (432).

Petzensteiner, J. (447).

Peutinger. C. (85). 333-

Pfeffingcr, D. (4).

Pflug, C. v., 114.

Pflug, J. v., 204.

PMip, M., 405.

Phrygio, P. (394).

Pindcr, U. (40).

Pirckheimer, W., 215, 309, 470.

Platz. L., 281.

Pomerania, Bamim, Duke of (160).

Pomerania, Bogislav, Duke of (391}.

Prierias, S., 68, 72.

Probst, J. (293).

Pocci,L. (253), 362.

H H., 112.

feifenstein, W. (241).

Reinccke, J. (241).

Reinhard, M. (414), 46a

^eissenbusch, W. (304), 306.

Renee de France, Duchess of Ferrara (447).

J^wchlin. J. (5), 104, 214, 331, 403.

Rwtcr, K. (33).

Wjidinus. T. (316).

Ritrio, R., 276.

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