Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/24

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The following abbreviations are used :

ADeii — P. S. Allen: Opus Epistolarum Erasmi. Oxford. i9o6ff. Vols, I, 2, 3.

Bergenroth — Calendar of letters, despatches, and state papers, relating to the negotiations between England and Spain . . . edited by G. A. Bergenroth, P. de Gayangos and M. A. S. Hume. London. i862ff.

Boddng — Epistolae Ulrichi Hutteni, ed. E. Booking. Lipsiae. 1859. 2. V.

Brown — Calendar of state papers preserved in the archives of Venice, cd. R. Brown. London. i867ff.

Burckhardt-Biedermann — Bonifacius Amerbach und die Reformation, von Th. Burckhardt-Biedermann. Basel. 1894.

Corpus Reformatorum — ^Volumes i-io contain P. Melan- thonis epistolae, ed. C. G. Bretschneider, Halis. 1834-42. Volumes 94ff contain Zwinglis Briefwechsel, ed. E. Egli, G. Finsler, W. Kohler. Leipzig. 191 iff.

De Jongh — L'ancienne faculte de theologie de Louvain, par H. de Jongh. Louvain. 191 1.

De Wette— Luthers Briefe, ed. W. M. L. de Wette. Berlin. i825-«. 5 V.

De Wette-Seidemann — ^Luthers Briefe, Band vi., ed. W. M. L. de Wette und J. K. Seidemann. Berlin. 1856.

Enders — ^Luther's Briefwechsel, bearbeitet von E. L. Enders. Vols. 1-14. i884ff. (Volumes I2ff continued by G. Kawerau.)

Erlangen — Luthers Samtliche Werke. Erlangen edition. German works 68 volumes. Latin works 33 volumes, and, separately numbered, Opera latina varii argumenti, 7 volumes.

Gcss — ^Akten und Briefe zur KirchenpoHtik Herzog Georgs ▼on Sachsen. Hg. von F. Gess. Band I. Leipzig. 1905.

Grisar — Luther, von Hartmann Grisar. Freiburg in Breis- gau. 191 1-2. 3 v.


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