Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/256

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tiat some upright man would urge Luther not to go so far, »ut to keep the moderation he is always praising, and not to nix dross with his gold! Then we shall name him Elijah/ ind whatever else is greater than that. . . . Yours,

Ulrich Zasius, Litt. D., Professor at Freiburg.

197. JOHN HESS TO JOHN LANG AT ERFURT. Kolde: Analecta, 9. Nuremberg, November 19, 1519.

I returned to Bologna ( for I had been at Rome and would have gone on to Naples had not the robbers prevented it), and there, dear Father, I found your letter, for which. Heaven knows, I was thankful. I showed the account of the Leipsic debate to the lovers of Martin, of which there are a great number in Italy, and they read it with pleasure, their joy being proportionately greater inasmuch as the Roman indul- gence sellers, those eznl speakers and spoilers,* as the poor Greeks of our age call them, had previously triumphed, hav- ing heard from Eck's letters that he had won. But I will tell you more when I see you, which I hope will be soon. I left Italy a few days ago, for two reasons : first, on account of my bealth, and, secondly, to hear Martin. For that upright and learned scholar, Crotus Rubeanus, and I, have both recently become theologians. Therefore, I am now going to Witten- berg, though all my patrons believe I am still deep in Italy.

198. LUTHER TO SPALATIN. Ewlerf, iL 263. (Wittenberg), November 20, 1519.

Greeting. I am sending you the work for one Sunday,* as a sample, dear Spalatin, so that you, who are more skilled in polite letters, may more easily and happily point out places in the others of my collection. I am too busy to do it myself, but I might get Melanchthon to do the work, by which he would at least show his devotion to the elector.

  • Here Zasius cmploTS a term from Zwingli's letter he is answering, for Zwinglt

■■«• tke phrase in a letter of January 4, 1 5 jo. Corpus Reformatorum, xcit. aso.

The words in italics are in Greek.

• f., the Postal; cf, supra, no. 194. Luther wanted Spalatin to correct them

  • fl according to the sample he gives in this one.

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