Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/388

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and would stimulate me, if I were at all slothful, to satisfy every desire of your Holiness. Wherefore, most blessed Father, considering not so much the words as the intent of the present commands to publish the bull against Luther in the dioceses of Mayence and Magdeburg and in those of my reverend suffragans, I am now doing my best, with the advice of the nuncios, to conciliate the favor of the secular princes without which every effort of ours will be in vain. What success we shall have I know not, but I have good hope. . . .


Corpus Reformatorum, xciv. 360. Paris, November i, iS2a

Henry Loriti, of Glarus (1488-1563), matriculated at Cologne 1506, M. A. 1510, matriculated at Basle 1514, where for a time he worked to 1522 he was at Paris teaching school, he then returned to Basle, but, being unable to follow his friend Zwingli in the Reformation, retired to Freiburg in 1529. He published an original work on music in 1547. Life by O. F. Fritzsche, 1890; Allen, ii. 279. Glarean is particularly interesting to Americans as having made the first map of the New World in which the continent is called America. The MS. of this, dating 1513, was sold by Sotheby in 1912. It was printed under the title De Geographia, in 1527 at Basle.

. . . Now hear some news about Luther! When the de- bate between Geck^ and Luther was laid before the Uni- versity of Paris for judgment, although it perhaps would have censured some of the articles, now, after it has heard that Luther is condemned by the Pope, it refrains from giv- ing judgment. No one's books are bought more eagerly. A certain bookseller told me that at the last Frankfort fair,* he had sold fourteen hundred copies of Luther's works, which had never before happened with any other author. Everyone speaks well of Luther. Truly the monk's chain is long. . . .


Corpus Reformatorum, xciv. 365. Lucerne, November 2, 1520.

. . . You know, and much more clearly than I do, what that

Roman rascal who is with us proposed or rather commanded

^7. £., Eck, cf. supra, no. 178. Duke George first sent the debate to Paris, cf, supra, no. i8o. The great bookmart of Germany held every spring. Cf. Smith, 77.

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