Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/419

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education. How eloquent he is to carry out and amplify whatever he conceives ! In our affair we could not find a bet- ter or more apt champion. For that reason there are many who try hard to turn him against us ; but I am sure they will not succeed, for I know how faithful he is. For, a few days ago, when some friends and relatives tried to get him to desert so doubtful a cause, he obstinately resisted them, affirming that what he defended was not doubtful, but was the cause of Christ and the truth and especially that it was due to Germany that our admonitions should be heeded, even for the sake of defending the faith. I would not have you ignorant, Luther, that he is the person who has prevented me doing anything by force. Relying on his advice, I contain myself the longer that more favor may be shown to the cause, and that our enemies may grow the more insolent, thinking it has been overcome and oppressed by bearing my weight • * .

I send the bull of [Leo] the Tenth flouted by me* in some places, as much as I was able to in the short time given roe by Christ. They say that you have written something,* which I have not seen any more than I have seen other pamphlets said to be hawked around. I am surprised that you do not at once send me your things so that I can show them to Sick- ingen. . . .

Sickingen sends kind greetings and bids you be safe, sound and of good courage. Farewell, dearest and best brother. . . .

355. LUTHER TO GEORGE SPALATIN. Enders, iii. i8. Wittenberg, December lo, 1520.

Greeting. In the year 1520, December 10, at nine o'clock, at the eastern gate, near the Church of the Holy Cross were burned all the papal books, the Decretunt, the Decretals, Liber Sextus, the Clementines, the Extravagantes* and the last bull of Leo X.;* likewise the Sumnta Angelica, with some

^7. e., Hutten's edition, with mocking notes, of the bull, under the title Bn/Ia Decimi Leonis contra errores Martini Lutheri et sequacium. A copy of the first edition in the Bodleian Library, Quarto B 9 Th. Seld. Reprinted with Hutten'f notes in Lutheri opera varii argumenti, iv. 261.

•Luther's Adversus exsecrabilem Antiehristi Bullam is meant.

"For these parts of the Canon Law, cf. note to letter to Spalatin, February 24* 1 5 19, Smith, p. 62.

  • For the burning of the Exsurge Domint, cf. Smith, op. eit,, loof.

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