Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/339

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before my Lady* leaves, they will be rid one way or other. If my Lady had not come, the contagion would have been too great



Gayangos, 1525-26, no. 201. Rome, September 10^ 1525.

. . . With regard to Luther, he (the Pope) agrees that the remedy to such evils, and the extirpation of so wicked a sect can only come through his Imperial Majesty's hands. He is of opinion that the diet ought to be prorogued [by the Archduke] , and a person of quality and discretion sent thither to prevent any innovations of a bad sort, principally those against the Church and Christian rites. Has lately shown some discontent at the articles ' granted by the Infante (Arch- duke) to some of the chiefs, a copy whereof he has sent to his nuncio* in Spain for the Emperor's inspection. On ducats still owing to the Archduke out of the 20,000 which the Pope oflFered to give in the last emergency, although both the Archduke's agent and he (Sessa)^ have since done every- thing in their power to get the promised money.

The powers of this legate to sign the agreement in his name, he (the Pope) has already sent to his mmcio in Spain. He now sends the duplicate.


DcWette, iii, 28. German. Wittenberg, September 12, 1525.

This letter is concerned with Carlstadt. On Tune 12, from Frank- fort on the Main he wrote Luther a humble apology for his past actions, begging him to get the Elector to allow him to return to Saxony. Enders, v, 193. At the same time he sent his wife to Saxony. About July i he returned to Wittenberg himself, terrified by

1 Margaret, Regent of the Netherlands.

  • On the growing discord between Emperor and Pope after the battle of Paria,

see Janssen-Pastor,^ iii, 6, and Pastor-Kerr» iz, 27SS, The "articles'* here referred to were doubtless some concessions made in the diet of 1525.

  • Baldassare Castiglione (1478-February 2, 1529), a famous writer and states*

man. He was the ambassador from Clement VII to Charles V. He wrote the Cprtegiamo, or Courtier, f. book of great celebrity in the sixteendi century. BU.

  • Text "Sanchez," one of the numerous slips in these volumes. The error

is due to the fact that Sanchez was writer of the letter last calendared.

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