Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/411

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restore you and that His divine power may keep you, to the glory of His Word. Do you, meanwhile, patiently bear the stroke of His kindly hand, as you have been taught to do, in order that you may not only know it yourself, but may also teach others to do the same. For with the temptation the Lord will also make a way of escape.* Three days ago I, too, was seized with a sudden attack of weakness, so that I de- spaired of life and thought myself about to die before the eyes of my wife and friends, so suddenly and completely was I deprived of all strength. But the Lord was merciful and speedily restored me. I beg, therefore, that you will pray for me, that the Lord may not desert His sinner. Farewell in the Lord. It IS rumored that the plague has broken out here, but the report is empty and false ; by Christ's favor everjrthing is safe and quiet.

Your Martin Luther.

7(a* LUTHER TO NICHOLAS HAUSMANN. Enders, vi, 69. (Wittenberg), July 13, 1527.

Grace and peace. If that man has correctly described his own case, my dear Nicholas, I think that he may lawfully keep his wife, for her former husband deserted her for so long a time, and exposed both himself and her to all sorts of danger. This is my opinion.

The visitation has begun. A week ago Sir Hero' and Master Philip set out upon that work. Christ be their guide. Amen. Rome and the Pope have been terribly laid waste,* Christ decreeing that the Emperor who persecutes Luther in the Pope's behalf must destroy the Pope in Luther's behalf. For thus all things serve Christ, for His own and against His adversaries. There is no other news.

My Katie and my little Hans send you greetings. Farewell in Christ. I have been suflFering from a severe prostration, so that even yet my head is compelled to take a holiday from reading and writing.

Martin Luther.

1 1 Corinthians x, 13*

'Hans von der Planitz.

  • The imperial anpy sacked Rome on the 6th of May.

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